The Big Win

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I took a deep breath Karl held my hand and everyone was standing around my chair waiting for the resault. I took out my luckiest quarter and began scratching.

"HOLY SHIT I WON $100,000!" I screamed with exsightment. I turned around to see Jimmy's jaw dropped open,Chandler patting me on the back and Karl had a huge grin on his face.

Karl's POV
I am beond happy Chris, he deserves this.

~Time skip to an hour later~


It's been an hour since Chris won Jimmy was still in shock. Chandler walked over to Jimmy "Hellooo..? Earth to Jimmy..? You have been standing in the spot holding the same face for an hour now... Jimmy...?" Chandler asked while waving his hand in front of Jimmy's face.

I walked to Chris and said" I am so happy you won you really deserve the money.". "I do?" Chris said with a confused look on his face. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! "Of course you deserve the money Chris.. Your kind and sweet and funny and great to be around" I said while blushing wildly. He blushed and said "really, do you really think all thoughs things about me?". "YES! OF COURSE!" I said.

~time skip to that night~


Chris POV

"Hey guys, I think I'm going head home now, all that adrenaline really took a lot out me" I said with a yawn. Then Chandler said"Yeah me too". "Ya- wait what about Jimmy?!?" Karl said. We all looked over Jimmy who was still frozen. Chandler took out his phone and snapped a selfie of him making a funny face next Jimmy. Then Chandler put his phone back in his pocket and said" I guess I can take him home,I mean, I can't even remember the last we had a sleepover".
Me and Karl looked at echother and shrugged.

~one day at a time~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora