Part Four: Would You Love Me Less?

Start from the beginning

"And I don't want you to judge me."

"Why would I ever judge you?"

"You heard about my reputation, right? How I fuck girls, like how most people eat TicTac's," you spat at yourself.

"Of course I have."

"And when we first started... this. Whatever this is, between us-"

"You were sleeping with other women." Natasha smiled warmly at you. "Yeah, I kinda guessed."

She didn't care.

"Do you know how many girls I've slept with? Seriously? Because I don't."

"That doesn't matter to me, Y/N," she said. Hand's moving up to cup your cheeks.

"Why not?" you ask, confused, "It's not fair, is it? That I'm off sleeping with a fuck tone of other girls, and you're only sleeping with me... unless. Are-? Am I the only one you're sleeping with?"

Natasha's soft hair bounces as she nods, "You are. I'm not the kind for fucking around, with multiple people. Bruce and I did have a thing a few months before we started whatever this is between us, But that ended as soon as it started," she finished, with a small, light-hearted smile.

"Then how are- Wait. Hold up. Bruce? You mean, Dr Banner. The science teacher?"

"You really wanna talk about that now?" she asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"I... no. No, I don't. But..." you started, scratching the back of your neck, as you awkwardly tried to get bat to what you were previously saying."

""But..."?" Natasha pressed you.

"How. How are you so relaxed with me sleeping around?"

She let out a scoffed chuckler, shaking her head.

"I can't control you, Y/N. I don't own you. You can do whatever you want, fuck whoever you want. I mean, it's not like we're dating or anything. So, you're not cheating on me, if that's what you're thinking."

"Then why does it feel that way?"

"I don't know what goes on in your mind, honey," she told you sincerely, "But I'm here if you need to talk."

Now, why did she have to go and say that?

With her words- And not to mention the way she was looking at you. With her eyes so soft and caring. The way they absolutely melted you.

"I- I stopped," you blurted out.

A confused look crosses Natasha's face.

"Stopped what?"

"Seeing- Fucking those other girls, a few weeks ago. Right after-" Your lips smacked together, stopping yourself before you could say anymore. Causing Natasha to cock her head to the side, out of curiosity.

Taking a deep breath, you started to "come clean".

"I never believed in love, not really. My parents, they didn't have it. Hell, they showed it to us. Probably why I act out so much with them." You shrugged, swallowing against the slight burn in the back of your throat. "I started smoking when I was thirteen. My brother gave me a puff of his cigarette, and then I was gone. And that was because ever since I could remember, all my parents used to do was fight, fight, and fight. On the inside of the house. But on the outside? We had to be the perfect family. I can't remember a time they ever told me that they loved me. I have three older siblings, and I don't think they can, either."

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