Those Eyes.

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The next day, Osamu went into work a little earlier than usual. He had to place orders for mixers and supplies. It was just him and Kuroo at the moment but Kuroo was in his office so Osamu had the whole club to himself. Though he focused on writing the orders because he was very particular about it. He grouped things so precicely which is why Iwa made him in charge of this part. In the short few months he has worked there, Osamu certainly climbed the ladder to earn respect from his coworkers. He tried hard all on his own, memorizing the drinks and food menu, and he stays up practicing new tricks for when he wants to be flashy. Getting this far without the recognition of his brother is probably his biggest achievement for working here. Since Atsumu got him the job in the first place, he didn’t want any more handouts from his twin.

  About halfway through writing the orders, the club doors opened and the group of dancers walked in with an angry faced Iwa behind them. Osamu’s eyes once again found their way to Akaashi, even the way he walked so casually was enticing. What was someone like him doing working as a dancer at a night club? The gray haired twin got lost in thought so he didn’t notice his older brother jumping onto the bar. The blonde sat with his legs dangling off the edge and his palms flat against the marble behind him. “Samu! Did ya miss me? I’m sorry I didn’t come home, we stayed with Oikawa and Iwa.” The blonde explained with a pout, he worried when his brother was left alone sometimes because there were very few times in their lives they werent with each other. Although, Osamu quite enjoyed the silence of their apartment whenever Tsumu was away. The younger twin would never say that exactly though because the whining Tsumu that would ensue was something he didn’t want to deal with.

  “No Tsumu, it was one night. Please get off the bar, Iwa already looks in a shitty mood. What did ya do to the poor dude?” He asked with a slight glare towards Atsumu. “We didn’t do anythin’! Just asked why he and OIkawa weren’t datin’. They live together and sleep with each other, but he won’t ask Oikawa out officially.” That response made Osamu roll his eyes away from his twin. Working with Iwaizumi has given him a good understanding just how annoying his twin was about this topic. Then Iwa walked behind the bar and shot daggers over to Atsumu, making him hop off the bar and hide behind Osamu. 

  “You’re a grown ass man, stop hidin’ behind me. Just say sorry and get to work ya dumbass.” Osamu snickered over his shoulder. He really couldn’t believe Atsumu was actually terrified of Iwaizumi, yeah the dude was intimidating but the only person he ever really lost his cool on was Oikawa. 

  “I’m sorry Iwa! Samu will clean the bar extra well tonight!” Atsumu pleaded hopping over the bar before Osamu could hit him. He had his classic smirk plastered on his face, until Samu threw his pen at him that was. 

  “I’m sorry ya had to deal with him all night. I’ll kick his ass later for ya.” Osamu pleaded after picking up his pen. This was going to be a long night wasn’t it? The two bartenders finished going through what needed ordered so Osamu set the list on the corkboard. Then noticed that Suna came in early which meant they were practicing new dances. Most likely for Akaashi, but it was nice knowing there would be a change of atmosphere now. New dances always put the stage team in a good mood. 

  Sure enough, all three dancers appeared on stage as Suna was going through updated Intros for them. Osamu was curious if they were updating all of their songs as well or just refreshing things for the new addition. Once the intros were done they started of with a new song and all three dancers stayed and started running through the choreography. That was new, they havent done group dances before. Probably because it was just the two dancers up until now, but still. Once again, Iwa found himself looking at a starstruck Osamu. A faint chuckle leaving his lips.

  “Why don’t you just talk to him?” Iwaizumi asked after throwing a rag at Samu. His gaze shifting from Akaashi to Iwa with a bank stare before shaking his head. “He’d never be interested in me. I’m nothin’ special, and he deserves someone who can give him the world.” The younger bartender responded before jolting up and looking over to the wall of alcohol. He had no idea why he said that. Afterall, he knew nothing about Akaashi other than his last name. Maybe it was because he just knew himself, he knew that he truly was nothing special. Osamu was the younger of the twins after all, how unique can someone be if they are a carbon copy of someone else? Even though the twins most certainly were not copies of one another, he couldn’t help but feel inadequate to his brother.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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