Day One

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A Tender Dance

Day one

  “Oi, Samu! We got a new dancer today so I’m gonna be busy. If ya need anything, ya know who to ask.”

  Atsumu called out once the twins had clocked in from the break room at the back of the club. The twins work at a night club called Kitten’s Paradise. Atsumu started working there a little over a year ago after running into the owner, Kuroo, at his old job. The older twin used to work at a coffee shop and hated it so when the offer was made he couldn't pass it up. Osamu on the other hand, has only been working there for about four months. Atsumu got him the job seeing as he needed help paying for school. He wanted on the kitchen staff but was glad to have any offer he could. After a swift pat on the back from the older twin and the two were off to their designated areas.

  “Hey Iwa, how was your day off?”

  “Not really a day off when Oikawa made me go shopping with him for new clothes.”

  Osamu chuckled at his superior’s response, he could only imagine just how fun that must have been. While they continued mindlessly chattering they started setting up the bar as well. It was always relaxed with Iwaizumi around, yeah he was strict about things, Osamu was a quick learner though so it was easy to stay on his good side. As they were almost done with prepping the glassware, Kuroo walked past with someone beside him. Osamu couldn’t get a good view of them but based on the conversation he overheard, it was most likely the new dancer.

  He didn’t pay too much attention to it though and quickly got back to working, he didn’t want to make Iwaizumi mad so early in the shift. A voice came on the speaker as Osamu was cutting up lemons, it was Suna doing sound checks which meant that it was getting closer to go time. The music Suna picked for this time was always chill, it was soothing to start the night off like this. Although, soon enough the soothing atmosphere changed to the chaotic outburst of a nightclub filling up with those first party goes of the night.

  “What can i get started for ya tonight ladies?” 

  Osamu asked with his lazy smile on his face, he was certainly a charmer when he was playing his part. It didn’t take him long to pick up on different ways to get better tips out of the guests, and the crowd was a fan of his more nonchalant demeanor. Quickly, he became one of the preferred tenders after Iwaizumi of course. Nothing beat the experience that guy had.

  The first two hours the club was opened was always just for the casual partiers. The bar, kitchen, and dance floor was all for their use. During those two hours, Osamu and Iwa were the busiest. He hasn’t had time to stop moving for even a minute, not that he really minded this rush. It was nice to keep moving and keeping his head focused on what he was doing. Then he heard the announcement from Suna saying that the live entertainment would be starting their shows in ten minutes and that they had a surprise in store for tonight. Both bartenders let out a sigh of relief at the thought of getting to rest for a bit.

  “Alright ladies and gentlemen! The moment we know your horny asses have been waiting for, some live entertainment has arrived! Starting tonight’s line up is everyone’s favorite lucky charm. Clover, come on and give em a show!”

  Suna announced as Arcade started playing. Oikawa strutted out on the stage with a black floor length tutu and then a gold bralette with black straps across his abdomen. The crowd always did love watching his elegant movements on the stage. Using the pole more so as an accessory so that he was the main focus at all times. It truly was a sight to watch. At a high point in the song the tutu got snapped off to reveal the black spandex he was wearing underneath. That was when Osamu noticed Iwaizumi had stopped working and was leaning over the bar watching “Clover”. He was gonna say something but knew better than to do so. Those two were clearly in love with each other, he didn’t understand why they weren’t together.

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