Chapter 148 - Four Scarlet Moon Parts

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Seven Fields and the others didn’t have it easy either. This situation was like if you knew a beautiful girl, but had a vulgar, wolf-like friend that wouldn’t stop bothering you to introduce him. No matter what you did, you couldn’t block him or dissuade him and in the end, your only option was to ask the beautiful girl if you could bring your friend along.

It obviously wouldn’t be good to just let him go and do whatever he wanted, but Seven Fields and the others weren’t worried about this. The “beautiful girl” in front of them definitely wouldn’t be bullied around by the wolf. They were only worried that after the beautiful girl beat the wolf to death, they would also get beaten down……. After all, the person they were talking about wasn’t a beautiful little girl, but rather brother expert, a person who had already shocked the world by the time he reached Level 30.

They silently listened as Maple Tree tried to persuade him with all his might. Seven Fields and others were half angry and half laughing. In their view, Maple Tree’s strategy was at the level of a kidnapper waving a goldfish at a small child in order to abduct the child. Except this child was brother expert. It was like trying to kill a strong bull with a cheap knife. How could you not laugh at that?

Even worse, this guy was grinning from ear to ear, not aware of how stupid he looked!

Seven Fields and the others really wished they could see what brother expert’s expression was. Hopefully he hadn’t already smashed his computer to bits yet!

Maple Tree talked and talked about in-game life, economy, and even how wealthy the big guilds were. The way Maple Tree explained all of the little details was as if he was a matchless professional. At this moment, after listening to him for a long time, Ye Xiu finally replied very calmly: “If you’re looking for me to set a dungeon record, then there’s a fee!”

Long live brother expert!

Seven Fields and the others nearly threw their headphones when they heard this. They discovered that there was no need to worry for brother expert. That goldfish scheme wasn’t anything in front of brother expert.

“Oh? A fee! That’s easy, how much money?” Maple Tree said.

“I don’t want money. I want materials, uncommon materials or other things I need.” Ye Xiu laughed.

“Oh, so it’s like that. What do you want?” Maple Tree asked.

“That depends on what dungeon record you want set.” Ye Xiu said.

“Desolate Land.” Maple Tree said. He himself was Level 30 and could be considered at the top among the player population. He obviously couldn’t compare to those big guilds whose elite teams were being leveled 24/7. Normal players didn’t have that sort of advantage.

“Desolate Land…….” Ye Xiu was still a bit hesitant. This was because he had already gotten all of the materials he needed from this dungeon from Team Tiny Herb. His Thousand Chance Umbrella had already reached Level 25. For the next stage, he needed all sorts of materials and equipment from Level 30-40. No matter how fast Full Moon Guild’s players leveled, they would only be a bit ahead of Ye Xiu. They had just reached Level 30 today, so they definitely wouldn’t be able to pay up many Level 30-40 items.

“Hm, how about four parts of the Scarlet Moon set?” Ye Xiu thought about it before giving out the reply.

“This……. shouldn’t be a problem……” Maple Tree was a bit hesitant too. Clearly, for guilds like theirs that were created only for fun, the guild leader didn’t have as much power over the guild like those Three Great Guilds. Most guild leaders didn’t have any sort of leadership aura. On the contrary, they were more like public servants who made great efforts with little benefits.

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