Chapter 18

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A slightly longer chapter. Yay?


The last hallway they needed to walk through was lost in darkness, unlike the previous ones which were just in dim light. This one was total darkness that kept pulling and clawing them closer with every step they made.

The silence was like fuel to their burning cautiousness as if it made them feel like they were walking on nothing. What surrounded them was pure emptiness, allowing them to hear the beat of their alarming hearts.

They walked forward with extra awareness and reached the door to the rooftop. It was covered in spider webs on almost the whole surface, leaving the handle untouched much to their relief. No one would want to touch that disgusting sticky webs, not me.

"I got to say, is none of you brought a phone to flashlight our way? This darkness makes me feel blind for real."

Gahyeon's question made sense as Geoul and JiU looked at each other even though yes, they couldn't clearly see their faces. They just know where each other were standing.

"I have my phone actually."

"Minji, what a coincidence that I have mine too. In my pocket."

The spirit closed her eyes and face-palmed internally. She took a deep breath, holding back from bashing those two heads together. She knew they had a connection between them but she never thought they shared the same last brain cell they had.

"JiU, tell me why I shouldn't take over your body and jump down from the rooftop."

"Umm, because we need a dark and eerie vibe around here? Haha..."

Gahyeon was having none of her idiocy. "Whatever. Let's just go," she said and proceeded to push the door before JiU stopped her.

"One minute," she exclaimed and touched the door with her palm as she closed her eyes. Her ears then twitched. "The creature is also on the rooftop. Two of them, if I hear correctly, and a muffled voice," she told the others.

"Is it the instructor we're looking for?" he asked.

"Big chance it is," she answered as her worries doubled.

"It's obviously a trap, then. Should we go up without calling in any backup?" Gahyeon chimed in.

JiU said she already did when Gahyeon was surveying the second floor but tough luck, there was no signal at all inside the building. Can't say they were surprised tho, it was a supernatural case after all. They experienced it enough to know what to expect and what to not.

"YOLO it is, as always." JiU still had a motivation to giggle as she pushed the door with a bang.


RAT Headquarters, someone barged into Director Kim's office, bringing bad news while no one least expected. It was about the trial mission that Ayoung gave to Geoul, it had turned into something serious.

One of the victims, a student from that high school just regained his consciousness and told everything that happened to him and his friend the night of the accident. They were attacked by something, a thing that couldn't be a human.

After hearing those from the investigator, Director Kim started sweating. Worries filled up his entire existence as he quickly called Ayoung and her team.

"Why does it suddenly turn out like this? It was a normal assault case before. Nothing abnormal was reported." He clenched his fist on the table. "Anything else from the victim?" he asked the investigator.

[DISCONTINUED] Spectres Season 2 - Male OC x JiU DreamcatcherWhere stories live. Discover now