
134 8 6

*TW* death, road accidents, etc.

Annelise's POV:

My mind was blank, tears quickly filled up my eyes but I didn't dare to let them drop. I couldn't give him the satisfaction of finally seeing me hurt. "How could he? Did I ever mean anything to him? Was our relationship just a complete joke to him?" thousands of questions rushed through my mind. 

After a minute of silence, which felt like a lifetime, something finally came out of my mouth as I stood there awkwardly without moving a muscle.

  "Do you still love me?" I questioned nervously already knowing the outcome.

 "I'm sorry, it just doesn't feel the same anymore.." Mark hesitantly but also carelessly muttered to me. I felt my heart drop, I knew the answer already but it felt different now that I heard it out loud.

 I scoffed at him, raising my eyebrows in disbelief. He could have given something creative, at least, instead of saying something every other cheating boyfriend always says after they're caught being unfaithful. 

I confidently walked out of his filthy room, which I had always despised since I couldn't bear the odor of a sweaty frat boy who takes just one shower per week.

I didn't want him to see how angry and upset I was, even though I had every right to sob right in front of him to try and make him at least feel some sort of remorse, so I had to act unfazed as I'd always been told to act. 

I headed straight to the train station.  I didn't have a car yet because the stupid laws require you to be over 16 to drive a vehicle.  

As I stood there waiting for train number 6, which leads me straight to my hometown, I saw train number 9 pass by.

 Mark and I always took the 9th one to our favorite ice cream place. A tear slowly rolled down my cheek, and right after it, about a dozen more came rushing out of my eyes.

I stood there in the middle of the train station reminiscing all the memories him and I had. Suddenly it all finally hit me.

 Mark broke up with me.

 After 6 whole years of dating, he left me completely all alone. "What the fuck am I going to do without him?" I whispered to myself trying not to look like a maniac who's having a depressive episode in public.

It pained me just to think of a tomorrow without him. My heart ached just at the thought of him.

I guess this is what breakups are supposed to feel like.

As I sat down on the train I got a phone call. It was Bonnie. Oh god, what would I even be without her? probably nothing. She's the best friend I've ever had, well she was the only friend I ever really had anyways. I picked up my phone hesitantly, still shaking from what had happened.

"Hello?" I whispered since I didn't want to disturb the people on the train with me.

"Heyyyy how are you?" she responded in a soft sweet tone seeming like she already knew what went down.

"I am good I wanna hang later today?" I reassuringly asked her to make sure she didn't worry about me doing anything stupid after a rough breakup. 

She, of course, agreed to the plans I offered, as she usually does since all she does is sit at home and her only means of exercise is walking from one room to another.

It was already 10 p.m. when I looked at my phone, as I was walking to Bonnie's apartment complex, I saw a horrific bike crash across the street on the other side of the road.

 There was blood everywhere. It was still bright red as it had just happened.

When I looked back, still attempting
to walk in a straight line down the road, I saw a man standing completely still. Not a single emotion was showing up on his face as if he had just seen the devil, I assumed it was someone he knew who died in the accident and he just found out.

 It's tragic, really. I can't imagine if someone I had known just suddenly died without a warning. I don't think I'd want to live anymore, to be honest. 

My mind was filled with so many thoughts that I didn't even notice I was already at Bonnie's apartment complex. I picked up a small rock and hurled it at her window.  I saw her white long curtains sway erratically and a small head rises up from the side of the window; it was her. 

In less than a minute, she was storming down the stairs, with a huge forced grin on her lips, coming in to give me a hug. Her hugs are so sweet; they make me want to melt into her body, and never let her go.

As she ran her hands through my hair and softly repeated the words I didn't know I'd need: "It's okay."

I laid my head on her back and started sobbing hard all over her grey thrifted t-shirt I'd bought her.

We went up to her small flat, where she made me a hot chocolate with rainbow sprinkles all over it because she knew it would cheer me up.

 "Hmm, look who finally made me my favorite drink without me begging her to, peasant!" I jokingly yelled at her from the other room with a grin on my face.

"Oh gosh. Your eyes are so red! What have you been taking? you addict!" Bonnie teased me pretending as if she didn't know I have been crying for hours in her arms.

"Ok shut up now... You're so annoying!  Let's watch something on the TV before I get bored of you," I mumbled, smiling softly, trying to erase Mark from my head.

Bonnie and I were exhausted after a few hours and went to sleep in her big bed, which was covered in all kinds of pillows she bought for no cause, wanting to be those basic Tumblr girls whose only personality attribute is having "trendy" rooms.

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