Chapter 2: Blood Baths

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You woke up in the early morning and put on the clothes that Daniela had given you yesterday. You opened a window and inhaled the fresh air whole closing your eyes. 'If I will ever be able to escape that castle? Breathing some fresh air, being able to run around wherever I want?' You sighed before you headed to the kitchen to make breakfast for your Lady and her daughters. Thinking of them you could hear a chuckled behind you. It was Cassandra, wanting to mess with her prey.

"I didn't do anything wrong and your mother told you to not hurt me, what's so hard to understand?"

You almost sounded annoyed, it got on your nerves that they had an eye on you all the time. It made you nervous and more likely to make mistakes.

"You don't talk to me like that, blood bag. It's unfair that Mother keeps you for herself, it's almost selfish. I never saw her that protective over prey before. Your blood must be really divine hm?"

You turned around to face her.

"Thats what your mother told me when she sucked the blood out of me." You snapped at her instantly regretting it because she took her sickle and walked towards you making you back up until you hit the wall.

"My God please! I-im sorry!"

Cassandra just smirked. "Look how pathetic you are. I don't know what mother likes so much about you."

Then she vanished and you went back to work. You sat the table and poured some wine into the glasses. 'I'm wondering if that's wine or blood even though that probably doesn't make a difference for them.' When you had everything ready you cleaned the kitchen and the halls floor before you felt a cold hand on your shoulder.

"Good morning, Y/N. I see you didn't an excellent job on cleaning the blood stains on the floor. You're such a good servant for me."

You knew this voice, it was your Lady.

"Thank you my lady. Means a lot."

You shivered when her cold hand slid down your back before she grabbed your arm to pull you up.

"Know your place, my dear. Cassandra told me what you said to her. You are nothing but my blood bag."

Then she dropped you back on the floor. You whined when you hit the floor and quickly nodded.

"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry.." Then you went to clean the private chambers of your Lady.

'Stupid Cassandra, almost made me lose my God damn life..' While cleaning your Lady's bedroom you found her diary in her drawer. You hesitated to have a look at it but your curious self couldn't help but reading the last pages.

~Saturday April 12th~
Today I got my new Maiden from Mother Miranda and I gotta say she does an excellent work cleaning and cooking for me. It almost makes me sad that I've to suck out all her blood and let her die eventually. Until then I want to have my fun with her.

You sighed, you should've known that you weren't more than her personal blood bag but you still had hoped that there was more. You put the diary back into the drawer but when you turned around you met the shining yellow eyes of your Lady.

"My Lady, I can explain-" She cut you off.

"I hope you found what you looked for. Anyway I want to take a bath now, bring me some wine from the basement."

Your Lady didn't seem really upset about you reading her diary but you still had a bad feeling. You handed her the large towel, well it was large for you but normal sized for her, and she left to go to the bathroom. Quickly you hurried down the stairs to the base, it stunk awful and as soon s your turned on the lights you saw why. All the old Maidens were laying on the ground, dead. You held your breath and quickly grabbed a bottle of wine before running upstairs. 'I guess they will be my companions sooner or later..'

You knocked at your Lady's bathroom holding the bottle in your hand. Your Lady opemed the door for you and you walked inside while having your eyes pinned to the ground. She wasn't wearing her dress anymore and you didn't want to be rude and look at her body. Well honestly you did want to look but you were scared for your life. You filled her glass with wine and wanted to leave but her cold hand grabbed your arm. She made you look at her with her finger. God your Lady looked stunning in just her undergarments and the blush creeped up your cheeks. 'Y/N, you gotta clam down or....too late..'

"I can feel your body temperature going up, my dear. Am I doing this to you?"

Lady Dimitrescu smirked and locked your eyes with hers.

"No my lady" you lied. "Its just that i saw those bodies in the basement and it made me feel sick.."

You continued quickly but she already knew that this was just an excuse.

"Oh now we are lying to your Lady, are we? Anyway, why don't you just join my bath when you're here?"

You didn't want it, it was way too fast and you didn't feel comfortable around your half naked Lady. But the fear that she would kill you otherwise let you nod slowly.

"Sure my Lady, if that's what you want.."

You started unbuttoning your blouse but she stopped you.

"Let me do that for you."

And with a quick movement her claws ripped the clothes off you, except you undergarments.

"You can leave them on if you'd like, it doesn't matter to me. It's nothing I haven't seen before."

With your eyes pinned to the ground you followed your Lady into the bathtub which was filled with warm sticky blood. It grossed you out and your Lady noticed that really quick.

"Why did you say yes even though you seem to not enjoy this at all?"

'Well because you'd kill me otherwise obviously?' As if she could read your mind she laughed.

"Oh you're thinking I'd kill you hm? Well I wouldn't want such a good servant to be killed that quick. That's why I told you daughters to not touch you until I say so."

She lifted you by yiur waist and out her down on her legs. You quickly made eyes contact to your Lady so wouldn't look down at her quite large boobs which caught your eyes from day one.

"You don't mind giving me another sip of your delicious sweet blood do you?"

You shook your head in trance, it felt unreal that you were sitting on your Lady's naked legs in a bathtub. She stroked your hair to the side and moved her lips to your neck.

"I'll try to make this as quick as possible." She whispered and her cold breath made you shiver. Before you could answer anything she buried her teeth in your neck and started sucking out your blood. And even though it hurt like he'll you didn't want her to stop. You closed your eyes and tangled your hand in your Lady's hair before letting out a soft moan. When your Lady finished she started laughing.

"My dear, you got a little too much into it didn't you?"

Her hands stroked your sides gently before she moved one hand to cup your cheek.

"I just didn't have experienced things like this before my Lady, everything is so new to me." You admitted and she shushed you with her thumb.

"There are so many things I want to do with you, Y/N. Things you didn't even know existed. Creating feelings that were unknown to you..."

You quickly got up, it started to make your heart beat way too fast and loud and you were scared that she would bury her fangs in your skin once again.

"My Lady I really need to cook your dinner now, I'm sorry."

You could see the disappointment in her eyes when you left the bathtub and the bathroom. 'Did she just sigh? She looked so sad when I left her...' you admit felt bad for leaving your Lady alone but it was the best. For both of you.

As you arrived in your room you got dressed quickly and hurried to the kitchen where you then started cooking dinner. But her words kept repeating in your head and created a warm feeling inside of you. 'There are so many things I want to do with you, Y/N. Things you didn't even know existed. Creating feelings that were unknown to you......'

Lady Dimitrescu x Female Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें