The Development Ch.2

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Dazai stared at his new lover. The longer Chuuya waited for Dazai's reaction, the more embarrassed he became.
'S-say something then' He started fiddling with his fingers, anxiously awaiting the brunette's words.
'Chib-' Dazai immediately grabbed Chuuya and forcefully pushed him out of the apartment just before it exploded into firey flames.

Chuuya, who was still unable to process what had just happened, was shouting for Dazai because he couldn't see him anywhere.
'You mind being a little quieter...I have a splitting headache!' Dazai groaned as he got up off the ground brushing the debris off his shoulder.
Chuuya looked up at Dazai as he offered his hand to help the him up.
'Thanks' Chuuya mumbled as he grabbed the hand and was pulled up.
'Don't mention it' He smiled as he peered down at the dusted ginger below him.
'Would you quit looking down on me' Chuuya complained pushing Dazai away and taking a step back so he didn't appear as short.

'Would you quit looking down on me' Chuuya complained pushing Dazai away and taking a step back so he didn't appear as short

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'What the hell was that Dazai!' Chuuya ordered looking at Dazai seriously.
'I felt on edge before I started talking but I heard a sound, registered it was an explosive and pushed you out, simple as' He remarked leaving Chuuya dumbfounded once again.
'I wish they'd stop bombing this apartment' he complained, mumbling on about how it was just last week that they redecorated after the last bombing. Chuuya, still processing Dazai's insane intuition, followed him all the way to the Port Mafia to report, yet again, another bombing incident.

As they entered the building, Chuuya was overcome with a strong anxiety knowing that one day their collegues would all find out that him and Dazai were actually dating. Dazai held Chuuya's hand to try and calm him as he noticed the distress, being as it was after hours, and no one was in, Chuuya allowed it and returned his kind gesture.
Outside the door Dazai turned to Chuuya.
'You didn't have to follow me all the way here you know chibi...'
Dazai said as he looked into Chuuya's stressed, beautiful, ocean blue eyes.
'I wanted to' Chuuya replied.
'I just wondered why you did that's all' Dazai smiled
'What the hell! Stop smiling!' Chuuya barked, obviously not meaning what he said.
'Do you want to come in? It won't be very interesting but you're acting like a sad lonely puppy today, so you might be a little too attatched to leave me' Dazai stated facing the door.
'Stupid suicidal bandges' Chuuya mumbled, trying not to get angry as much as possible.
'Like hell I'm letting you go in there alone' Chuuya said as if Mori was some kind of malicious monster.
'Geez Chuuya, it's just Mori, loosen up a bit! it's not like you've done something wrong, it's just a stupid report' Dazai sighed, hating this overprotective behavior.
'I won't be long-' Dazai begun, immediately interupted by Chuuya
' DAMMIT DAZAI!, IM GOING!!! ' he retorted
'Who knows what crap your gonna say...' Now Dazai understood that he wasn't being overprotective it was because Chuuya didnt want to feel left out.

They entered the room.

'Dazai, what beings you here, I was just getting ready to leave and head back to elise.' Mori said as Dazai walked through the large elaborate door.
'It was bombed again' Dazai sighed, fed up that this was a regular occurrence.
'Honestly, Can't I just endure my evening in peace!' Dazai moaned.
'Thank you for informing me as always, I presume you already have a place you would preferably be until we renonovate it again' Mori said
'Actually I think we should make a new one' Dazai stated, Mori's eyes widened with shock.
'Are you being serious?' Mori asked as he was shocked by the brunette allowing such a change to take place.
'Yes, I think we need a new apartment with exactly the same layout but near Chuuya's block, just so it's more convenient for missions' Chuuya turned to face Dazai immediately.
'Is that so...' Mori's eyes layed on Chuuya who was still glaring at Dazai.
'Of course, I will let you know the details within the maximum time frame of a month' Mori stated as Dazai turned to leave the room.
'Im glad your ok Dazai' He said as Dazai shut the door behind him
'Of course you are' Dazai muttered agrilily, but Chuuya didnt hear.
'See it wasn't interesting at all' Dazai said, convincingly smiling at the ginger.
'Tch whatever' Chuuya replied, avoiding eye contact which slightly confused Dazai.
'So where are you staying?' Chuuya asked.
'Your place of course!' Chuuya's face instantly turned into a raging red ball of metaphorical fire.
'LIKE HELL YOU ARE DAZAI!!!' Chuuya yelled slightly catching the brunette off guard as he was deep in thought.
'I have no where else to go so I have to go stay at yours' Dazai sighed knowing Chuuya wasn't going to make this easy. The ginger turned away and huffed furious that Dazai didn't even tell him.
As they were walking out of the Port Mafia, Dazai stopped for a moment.
Chuuya looked at him confused.
'Why'd you stop' He asked looking up at Dazai who wasn't even giving him eye contact.
'I need to go somewhere...' Dazai walked at his normal pace expecting Chuuya to leave him and go home like he usually does, but Chuuya knew Dazai wasn't telling him something and jogged to try and catch up but almost immediately gave up and just walked a few meters behind him.
Dazai felt Chuuya following him and sighed.
Great now I'm being monitored
He thought so he decided to walk to the burnt down apartment. The brunette walked up the metal stairs and stood there infront of the rubble. Chuuya arrived a few minutes later, slightly out of breath from the obvious running to try and catch up from (to him) Dazai's fast pace. Chuuya looked up at Dazai who was walking around the once apartment building trying to find something. He walked up the stairs to get a better view because he was too short to see anything but the brunettes head, something he would never admit. Once he got there he saw Dazai pick up a blade. He held it in his hands and seemingly admired it.
'Okayyyy' the red head said as he observed the mysterious executives actions. Nervously, Chuuya walked towards Dazai and took the blade away from him. Dazai's eyes for the first time since he left the port mafia were set on Chuuya as a slight warning to give back his precious blade. The brunette reached for it and Chuuya slapped his hand away.
He looked at Chuuya, annoyed at what he had just done.
'You can get it back when we reach my apartment' Chuuya demanded hiding the blade in his jacket to avert it from his partners eyes.
Chuuya started walking away and Dazai just stayed still.
'I have a few more things I need to take care of here, you go on ahead' Chuuya turned back to the brunette who had resumed looking around the remains of the apartment. The ginger sighed wondering why he wanted time alone so badly. Getting more frustrated with Dazai, he decided to just walked away, Leaving Dazai alone with his thoughts and his blade that he swiped off Chuuya when his back was turned. Dazai walked off, leaving the rubble behind.
The brunette looked down at the black shiney blade with his dark brown almost black orbs and flipped it around looking at the dried blood from around a week ago.

About fifteen minutes away from Dazai, Chuuya was almost home. When he arrived he angrily slammed the door behind him, grabbed some fine wine from his cellar and sat down on his bed.
What's that bastard thinking?
Chuuya thought, slightly agrivated that Dazai confessed to him recently and then after the meeting with Mori he suddenly went all submissive and pushed Chuuya away.
'DAMMIT!!' Chuuya yelled while slamming the wall without his ability and put a hole in it. He sighed.
'Great now I've got another one to fill' he moaned, angry that he let the brunette get to him once again.

He got up to get his coat he left on the sofa and searched for the blade.
'Damn' Chuuya grabbed his coat and ran out of the door in the darkness of night to Dazai's apartment where he left him about 1hr before.
'That idiot better not have done anything stupid' he mumbled increasing his pace each passing minute along with his crippiling anxiety. When he arrived Dazai was no where to be found. The red head immediately called Mori and asked if he had seen Dazai.
'Why do you ask Chuuya?' Mori asked, the ginger getting more frustrated by the minute.
'Dammit Mori! Just answer the damn question already' He retorted, needing his answer.
'Try my medical lab' He replied, not fazed by Chuuya's tone. Chuuya hung up immediately headed for the given location. As he kicked down the door, he saw Mori and Dazai sat beside each other. Dazai sat perfectly still aside Mori who was casually sat in his chair.
'What the hell man!?' Chuuya barked, noticing the brunette's increased submissive attitude. Dazai immediately stood up and grabbed Chuuya's arm then dragged him outside into the dim lit street.
'Let's go' Dazai said, letting go of Chuuya and walking ahead in the direction of the red heads apartment. The ginger angrily ran ahead of him and pushed him. He stumbled back a few steps; his face stayed blank.
'What's going on, Dazai?' Chuuya asked, with the slight hint of anger and concern in his voice. Dazai just carried on ahead not saying a word. The ginger activated his ability and flew past dazai shoving a rock in front of his path.
'Answer me Dammit!!!!' He retorted, smashing the rock into millions of pieces to see teary eyes in his lovers face. The brunette pushed Chuuya aside still with a blank face but with the addition of a tear escaping. He immediately slapped the tear away. Leaving a shocked ginger behind as it was the first time he saw any genuine emotion from the brunette. They both walked back to the apartment side by side.

Chuuya knew he had to do something to help his partner but didn't know what. As they walked in a deadly deafning silence. He then remembered when Dazai offered his gentle hand to him when he felt anxiety in the Port Mafia earlier and decided to try the same. The ginger extended his hand put towards his other half. He touched his hand briefly provoking a slight reflex movement away from Chuuya's but after a moment he grabbed the executive's hand intertwining their fingers as if to say 'I will be here for you always'
He looked up at the brunette who was showing weakly, a sad smile.
Chuuya warmed at the sight of this small smile and his gesture being returned with the strong grip of his hand as if Dazai was saying 'Thankyou'


* Hi! So this was more of a chapter to show them both discovering their way in a relationship and trying to figure out how to comfort and show affection I guess.
Hope y'all loved it and I'll see y'all next Monday 😊

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