Chapter 0: Perfect

Start from the beginning

"Did you finish it?" Lucy asked.

"No. I stopped after she and the main villain died," she said, making Lucy gasp.

"You missed the most exciting part, you know?"

"Whatever you say," she replied nonchalantly.

"Ugh. I'm hungry. Can you cook for me? Please?" Lucy let her face fall on the table.

"I told you not to skip breakfast."

The long-haired girl giggled softly and said, "You act like a mom so often; can you adopt me?"

"Gross. I don't like kids; leave me alone."

"Yeah, right. Those grade school kids in my neighborhood like playing with you."

"Shut up. I'll go out to buy some ingredients. Go away." Annie closed her laptop and stood up.

"Yay! Free breakfast!" Lucy cheered and followed her friend, who didn't protest and just grabbed her phone and purse and continued to head out of her house. She has been living alone since her fifteenth birthday, and she got accustomed to Lucy visiting her every day whenever they don't have classes.

"So, what did you do during summer vacation?" Lucy asked, following along her best friend's pace.

"Nothing special. I ate, slept, and worked on the device that I was developing before you left. I finished it a month ago and started rebuilding and upgrading my uncle's old walkie-talkies. In exchange for giving me those old things, he made me come to his training center every weekend," Annie answered while yawning.

Lucy looked exasperated. As expected, she didn't go out of her cave while she was away. "Auntie Anikka didn't plan any trips?" she asked once again, referring to Annie's mother.

"She did. It only lasted for a week because she was busy; Daddy was also busy. I'm also busy; all of us are busy. How about you?" Lucy stopped in her tracks after hearing Annie's question. She looked down and was silent for a while. Annie took notice of her action and also stopped walking to wait for her answer.

Unlike her friend, Lucy has a very complicated background. She came from a male-oriented family and was abused ever since she was a child. She was always alone until she received a scholarship to study in France when she was a kid. And everything changed when she met the savior of her life. That was Annie.

Back then, Annie was also alone. Not because she was isolated but because she never liked interacting with people other than those inside her family circle. She was straightforward and blunt, and none of the other kids liked that fact; thus, they didn't approach her any further, much to the little science nerd's joy.

On the other hand, Lucy was different; she pursued making friends with her until they became closer. She even met her parents, who stood as her second family. However, no matter how much she saw Annie's family as her own, her real family was still there.

What if she won't be able to break free from them and end up leaving Annie all alone?

"It seems like you should start learning how to connect with other people, Annie."

"I don't want to. People stink. So why should I?" she told her bluntly, like she usually does.

"But you can't live alone."

"I'm not. Aren't you here?" Annie went on ahead.

Lucy sighed. She knew Annie was not going to listen to her if she didn't want to. Even though she only wants her to find someone who can stand by her side if she ever goes away, explaining will not do her any good.

Suddenly, a strong gush of wind passed by, taking the hat she was wearing along. "Come back here!" she shouted and started chasing after it. Fortunately, it stopped but landed in the middle of the road.

She went to pick it up, something that she shouldn't have done. She wasn't aware that a truck was speeding in her direction, and it looked like it didn't have the intention to stop. Before she knew it, she was already rooted on the spot.

Annie, having a quick mind, didn't hesitate and ran towards her.

She pushed her out of the way, but the product of not being able to rest for a couple of days prevented her from doing so. Her legs stopped moving, and the last thing she saw was the terrified face of her best friend.


"My lady! Please open your eyes."

A moment later, she felt someone holding her upper body, and she could feel the cold and hard ground. She was able to open her eyes, and an unfamiliar, worried face greeted her.

"Ugh… my back," she groaned in pain before the darkness consumed her again.

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