Chapter 14: The Cube's Code

Start from the beginning

"That guy could be an idiot sometimes." Gusion shook his head.

"Bastard," Hanabi murmured. "Let's go."

The trio got out of the cellar and out of the door that leads to the upper floor. Gusion put his finger to his lips and the duo nodded.

They carefully tiptoed in the hallway past Cyborgs and robots, until they found a sign that says: "TURN RIGHT TO GET TO DR. BOB'S OFFICE."

"Let's go!" Gusion whispered.

"I wonder how did Grock manage to stay hidden till now," Hanabi murmured.

Grock hissed, taking offense.

The trio turned right and saw blue spiky hair instead.


Johnson led Angela to an unlit corridor, and at the end of the corridor was a black door. Johnson switched on the corridor lights and both of them jumped.

Saber, Rafaela, Layla, and Cyclops were standing on each side of the wall.

 "What are you doing here?" Johnson hissed.

"Sorry, just keeping a lookout," Layla whispered.

"At least just give me a sign!"

"Whatever, now get in." Layla opened the door of the room and Johnson pulled Angela inside.

"Stay in there." Johnson shut the door behind her.

The room was dark, the only thing that gives out lights to the room was the parts of robots, and inventions that made no sense at all.


Angela jumped and tried to find the source of the sound. She saw a glowing blue light and that light is in the hands of a man in his sixties. As Angela focused, she realized it wasn't light but a cube.

The magic cube.

As for the old man, she has seen his face a lot of times and was trained to hate that face.

It was Dr. Bob.

"Hello Angela." he greeted.

Angela prepared to defend herself from DDr. Bob, but the man has no intention to fight at all.

"What do you want from me?" she said.

Dr. Bob chuckled. "I want nothing from you but one,"

Angela raised one of her eyebrows.

"I want your secret."

"And what secret would you want from me?"

"Don't play dumb Angela, I know you have the answers to this cube here," he held up the cube.

She knew it! Angela curled her hand into a fist. "I'll never give it to you, no matter what you do!"

Dr. Bob. sighed.

"Oh yes, five months ago, I found you injured in an alley, I brought you back and fixed you up, but all these times, I didn't know you had the code in your brain!"

Angela glared at him. "You'll never have the last code!"

Dr. Bob nodded. "Fine, which means I have to take it myself."

Dr. Bob lifted his right hand and revealed a robotic metal hand, with sharp claws. It stretched out for Angela, she closed her eyes, waiting for the fatal blow-"

But she heard metal hit metal instead. Angela looked up and saw Gusion in front of her, his glowing green dagger on the floor.

"Gusion." Dr. Bob glared at him.

"Dr. Bob, long time no see."

Grock and Hanabi entered and stood in front of Gusion and Angela.

"H-how? I thought Saber was outside.'

"Well Angela, looks like they decided to help us."

The Saber squad entered Dr. Bob's lab.


And that blue spiky hair was Saber's white hair. 

The trio jumped in fright.

"So Gusion, anything to say?" said Saber, he crossed his arms.

"One, Johnson left the door open, and two, you're helping the enemy."

"You mean helping your enemy." Layla corrected.

"We protect Zlatan from the likes of you," said Cyclops.

"You are helping the enemy, our enemy," Hanabi gestured to all of them.

"Dr. Vance told me it was Dr. Bob, and it was him in the first place!" Gusion explained. "He wanted Dr. Vance out of the way so he will succeed."

The Saber squad glanced at each other.

"So if it's true then, why didn't you tell us?" said Saber.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I said it," Gusion replied.

Saber opened his mouth but no sound came out.

"Where's Angela?" Hanabi asked.

All of them turned to the black door.

Gusion swore under his breath.


"Stop this Dr. Bob." Saber took out his blade and pointed it in Dr. Bob's direction.

"And what will you do if I don't?"

"Then we will have no choice but to kill you, just like what you did to Dr. Vance."

Dr. Bob put up his hands. "Fine."

His mechanical hand extended and grabbed Angela by her hand and pulled her towards Dr. Bob.

"Let me go!" Angela screamed and tugged on the grip of the hand.

"Let her go!" Gusion shouted and barreled towards them. "Sword spike!" he threw a glowing dagger right for Dr. Bob but he disappeared, so did Angela. Gusion stopped in his tracks.

"Where did she go?" asked Hanabi.

The Saber squad's faces turned pale.

"What?" asked Gusion who noticed their facial expressions.

Cyclops pointed behind Gusion, Hanabi, and Grock. The trio turned and gasped.

Cyclops collapsed unconscious.

"Never seen that happen," Hanabi whispered as she gaped at a person who stood behind the doorframe peeking out with glowing galaxy hair.

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