11 - BAEKSOO: Let's Play Basketball

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"HEY CHANYEOL HYUNG!" Jongin greets, waving at the taller. "Let's play basketball as promised."

"Right now?" Chanyeol asks Jongin, facing Baekhyun. He also fixes Baekhyun's disheveled hair with his own fingers, stroking it gently. Baekhyun closes his eyes.

"Yeah, right now," Jongin says with a grin. Kyungsoo looks up to him, eyebrows raised. "You're playing with him and leave me here, Jongin?!"

"No, you can come with us if you want," Jongin says to Kyungsoo.

"Baekhyun and I are going out though," Chanyeol says as he slings an arm around Baekhyun's shoulders. Baekhyun widely smiles. "Like a date!" he adds.

Kyungsoo laughs mockingly. "You're going out?" he asks unbelievingly and Jongin furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"Yeah, we love each other! Right, Yeollie?" Baekhyun says while beaming cheekily, nudging Chanyeol's ribs. Chanyeol confusedly looks at Kyungsoo then back to Baekhyun and back to Kyungsoo, then to Jongin who just shrugs his shoulders.

He scratches his head, chuckling in a faking manner. "Of course, Baek, of course."

"See!" Baekhyun exclaims.

Kyungsoo grins, slapping Jongin's arm. "Okay, don't want to hear you talk, Baekhyun. Where are you going then, Chanyeol?"

"Let's just play basketball, Chanyeol-hyung!" Jongin suggests, flailing his arms excitedly. "Baekhyun-hyung and Kyungsoo-hyung can join us."

"Fine with me," Kyungsoo says while looking at Baekhyun, challenging him. "How about you, Baekhyun?"

"You three are all unfair," Baekhyun whines, his face grimacing. "Kyungsoo, you know I don't play basketball!"

"Don't worry, I'll teach you," Kyungsoo says. "Or Chanyeol, or Jongin can teach you, anyone."

"I want you." Baekhyun says, smirking at Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo stares at him, just stares blankly like Baekhyun said a super awkward joke. He folds his arms over his chest.

"You want. Me."

"I want you."

"You want me?"

"Yeah. To teach me. I want you to teach me," Baekhyun wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and Kyungsoo scrunches his face, disgusted.

"Don't flirt with me."

"I am not flirting with you, Kyungsoo. You know that," Baekhyun says, waving off the topic as he walks, following Jongin and Chanyeol inside their shared room.

After packing up their things, the four boys go to the parking lot to their car with one of the managers to serve as their driver. They'll head to a secluded park where they frequently spend their day-offs away from fan girls' radars.

"Get on before I change my mind," their manager hyung says boredly as he enters the vehicle, calling the four boys inside.

Chanyeol sits at the back with a happy Baekhyun on his side; Jongin chooses to occupy the seat next to the driver, leaving Kyungsoo no choice to sit away from Baekhyun.

Kyungsoo glares at the two giggling boys, cursing mentally to himself why he agreed to this on the first place.

"Move aside," he says pertaining to Baekhyun and Baekhyun obediently follows, inching closer to Chanyeol quietly. Kyungsoo gets on the vehicle, signaling their manager to drive.

Kyungsoo closes his eyes, waiting for sleep to overcome him, but there is a big problem. He can't sleep when Baekhyun's butt is grossly grinding against his left leg. Baekhyun is so fidgety- he can't stay still long on one position, shifting his body side to side while he talks animatedly to Chanyeol. He's also extremely noisy, disturbing Kyungsoo in his mini sleep.

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