❤️Don't go - Selever x Dying!Reader🥀

Start from the beginning

"Hey- get off me.. haven't I told you how fucking heavy you are?"

"I'm not that heavy."
You say making a slight pout

He just scoffs as he shoves you off

Rasazy just watches for a bit before going back to whatever book she was reading.

-time skip cuz i have no idea what happens next, u decide ig-

Sitting on the hill next to Selever, Rasazy had gone inside to help Sarv cook/bake (u choose) something.

You look at him, and he continues looking forward.

You seemed to have been looking at his face for quite a while when he finally said, "You do know I can tell your staring right?"

Why did you stutter-
(Internal sigh ú-ù)

He smirks a little, "I'm just that attractive to you huh?"

"Ok don't let your ego get too high Sel."

"But I'm no-"


He mumbles something under his breathe before he pulls his knees in and stares at the sky.

"Hey Selever?"

Selever gave a small 'hm' to show that he's listening

"I... uh... I have something to tell you, and I've wanted to for a while-"

Confession time!
Since you were both alone and the scene was basically perfect, you could finally get this off your chest and tell them how you feel!

You take a deep breathe before looking at them, a small blush creeping onto your face.

"I.." you exhale, "I like you Selever.. and I have for a while now- and I know you probably don't like me back but I just had to say this."

You get ready for some sort of rejection but your just pulled into a hug.

Your face is now covered in a full on blush, you look at him with a surprised face

He stares at you with a happy expression

"Holy shit- I didn't think you did but, guess what fucker, I do too"

You feel your eyes water as you give him a quick kiss.

Everything was happy


A loud noise had rang through the air

And a stinging pain was felt in your chest.

You took your hand clenching onto your clothes, as you felt them slowly get wet, you hesitantly look down seeing the red substance now stain your clothes.

What tears were once of joy were now tears of pain and fear.

You looked at Selever

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