Snapes class

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"Ugh this is boring" you say as you turn to pansy chewing the end of your pencil.
"I know, draco always has fun ideas" pansy admitted with a smirk on her face.
"Draco" you both whispered getting draco's attention whilst longing for him to have a good idea in mind.
"What beautiful girls" he smirked as he knew what you both wanted.
"Got anything fun to do"you say bitting your bottom lip.
"Oh yes I have, we just need snape out the room and then no one will know since we are at the back"
"Okay" you and pansy say in sync smirking at each other.
"Class I need to get something do your work"snape yelled as he stormed out the class.
"This is our chance" draco whispered trying to move next to you in secret.
You, pansy and draco agree to his idea and start to play with each other.
You feel pansys hand running up your thigh and draco untucking your shirt.
"We will sure enjoy this" pansy smirked whilst moving her hand up your skirt. You feel dracos hand up your back and the feel of his rings against your back.
"It's gonna get even more fun in a minute Gorgeous girl"draco said looking into your eyes

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