Chapter 2

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Soul)how did you do that
I can
Maka) ok so I'm having a "party" thing for you cuz your my best friend
Soul)I thought I was your friend not this powerful freak...
*You took maka's book and hit him*
Soul)wow you and maka are a lot alike...
Black star) ok so you can beat me but I bet you can't bea...
*you hit him with the book*
Ok class but class I mean soul,maka,kid,star,____ you are heard of detention (You)Maka what's your dad doing
Maka)don't talk about it
You stand up to go use the restroom
Spirit) where are you going
Spirit)no you may not sit down
Y)it's not like you care
S)care I don't care?! I care about every thing
Y)that's why you cared about your daughter so much to know her,and her friends huh right you totally care I saw you with other girls for years and when maka was younger I would come over to her place and comfort her cuz you dident care enough so ya you totally care right,you cared about your wife right then why did you cheat on her so you know what SHUT THE HELL UP DAM IT
S)I'm .... class dismissed you and the class get A+ for the day bye
Maka walked up to you
M)That...that...that totally worked high five
Soul)wait that was planed.
You)ya her dad said no party and he was going to take her shopping and so yesterday I went over and we thought of this plan
Maka)but cursing wasn't part of it
Y)ya but it made it me real
Stein)ok kid,maka,black star,___.,you guys and girls and your weapons are wanted by lord death
You)oh no
You walk there with them
Kid)it's ok it's my dad so..
Oh where hear
You and Maka)hello lord death
Are you there?
LD)ya you have all been called cuz you all at an A+ for detention so that is rewarded by a day off
Maka,liz,patty)oh ok
You look over at kid
Kid)are you ok
Kid)ya it's just i for got to fold the tip of the toilet paper
Y)wow that so so sad,that you care about that I got to go I need to go home change
Maka)ok meet at my place at 3:30
You go home you shower then you call maka
Hello. Maka
Ya. What do I wear
Really Yass
lol. Wear?
Ok wear some
Pants and a blue. Ok
Shirt Bye brt

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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