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avina's pov

oh shit. i'm fucked.


i hear alejandro's voice as mattia slowly walked toward me. who tf was behind me? because i sure as hell know it wasn't mattia.

"wow. so this is what we're doing now?"

mattia's voice filled with hurt and disappointment as he reached us. he was pissed. way more than pissed. kairi and ale behind him. i quickly turned around to see the one that caused all of this.


i whispered as a smirk formed on his lips. fucking asshole.

"mattia, i promise it's not what it seems like"

i turned around to see him let out a chuckle. he didn't believe me.

"oh avina, why do you keep lying to the poor boy?"

i furrow my eyebrows but kept my eyes on mattia. he looked hurt. very hurt. but he didn't want to show it. he wasn't one to let out his emotions.

"i'm not lying! why are you doing this nathan?"

i was now shouting as i faced nathan. i didn't know what to do anymore. i didn't want to lose mattia to a stupid lie he shouldn't even be believing.

"tell him the truth avina. you've been hooking up with me for a while now"

mattia shut his eyes, believing his words. i wanted to smack the shit out of nathan but i needed to let out a few words.

"fucking asshole. none of that is true and you know it. stop trying to ruin my relationship because your bitch ass can't be in one. at this point, it's jealousy you have"

i hit his chest, wanting him far away from me.
i turned around and took mattia's hand in mine. i started to walk away but nathan had one last thing to say.

"pussy was trash anyways"

that was it. mattia had had enough. he quickly turns around and punches the fuck out of his face. everyone's eyes were on us. some people cheer and hype them up while others recorded the entire thing. mattia pushes him onto the floor as he continues to beat the shit out of him.

"mattia! stop it!"

i shouts as ale and kairi try pulling him away but there was no use. mattia didn't budge. everyone is screaming making my head pound. i thought i was about to pass out at that moment. the boys finally manage to pull him off as nathan lays there on the floor. his face was unrecognizable.

there was blood running down his nose, staining his white shirt. his face was fucked up. mattia breathed heavily as he looked down at him and then up at me. blood running down his nose as he shakes his head, pushed the boys off of him. he walks passed me, nudging his shoulder against mine, and left out the door.

alexa stood next to me, speechless. we were all surrounded by many people. i felt suffocated. i needed to find mattia and talk to him. he needed to know that none of this was true. i looked behind me to see him slamming the door once he walked out. i ran after him, not wanting my tears to escape my eyes. this whole situation was too stressful.

"mattia! baby, listen to me!"

i took ahold of his arm, turning him around. there were a few tears rolling down his cheeks. which broke my heart. i couldn't stand seeing him cry.

"don't 'baby' me, avina"

he snatches his hand away from mine. as if i was some type of poison he wouldn't dare to touch. he tried walking away but i didn't let him.

"mattia, can you please just hear me out?!"

he quickly turns back around.

"i am not about to waste any more of my time just like i wasted these past months with you!"

ouch. now that hurt. i was caught off guard and didn't know what to say.

"avina, i did nothing but love you and you pull this shit on me? was i not good enough for you? did i do something wrong? tell me what i did avina because i really do want to know"

he went off on me. i was left speechless i couldn't move. i forgot how to breathe for a moment. i just stared at him.

"look at the pain you've caused. my heart hurts so much, and for what? we could've talked it out avina. you could've told me you fell out of love or something. whatever your excuse was for cheating on me. i regret loving you"

that was the last thing. he gave me a long, bitter look. i wanted to hold him back and give him a long hug but he was gone. he wasn't mine anymore. and all for a stupid lie.


i heard alejandro's voice as he came out through the door. i turned around and said nothing. he shook his head and gave me a long hug. i broke down in his arms as i hugged him back.

"he's gone alejandro. he left me and all just for a fucking lie"

i cried in his arms. he ran his hand through my hair and tried calming me down.

"i know avina, i know. i believe you"

his words calmed me down just a little. at least he believes me.


my brother's best friendNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ