Chapter: 1

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You were slowly starting to drift off to sleep when his deep voice ringed throughout the room " Get up! I didn't say you could sleep, now did I? "

" No "

" I never told you that you could sleep Y/n. Double the chores "

This wasn't as bad as being held in that fucking room, you had almost forgot how you got here...

" Come on Y/n! You never come outside! It would be good for you "

" I'm good! I like it in my house " you yelled from your window down to your friend rose

She was your bestfriend since 5th grade so it wasnt uncommon for her to try to convince you to go outside or go somewhere with her

" Y/n! You cant ignore me! I'd you dont let me in your house I'll throw a rock at your window! " now you couldnt ignore her, it wasnt the first time rose had said that and done it, reluctantly you went downstairs to open the door for her

" Thanks now listen " she said grabbing your shoulders holding you in place while you started at her in the doorway

" Lila,tj, and me are goin to the woods and we want you to come! " you took her hands off your shoulders as her expression dropped from happy to serious

" Your not talking about those words that everyone says are haunted or what not right? " you weren't scared but you still didnt like going anywhere near there it's like that feeling you get when someone gives you a weird vibe

" That's it! We're going are you in or not? "

You thought about it for a minute thinking of what would you do if something bad happened I mean it's not like your parents and your little sister would care they all died in a plane crash and now you lived alone

" Yeah I'll go " rose jumped up and down like a 8 year old who just got a new toy


You, rose, lila and tj were walking into the woods with flashlights looking around

" This is some trippy shit " tj stated as you all felt the atmosphere change

" I dont like the way the air feels now " you said to the group as you all got closer to each other

" Y/n do you hear or see anything? "
You were the bravest on in that group as everyone was walking behind you

" No I dont but we need to be cautious " just as those words left your mouth a stick was heard being broke only 20 feet away from you on your left which set the whole group off making them scream

" Guys! Came down! Its probably just a anima- " you stopped mid sentence as you saw no one was behide you anymore

" Rose! Tj! Answer me! "

" I'm here! " you turned around to see the last person you expected

" Lila, where are the others? "

" I dont know! They ran off somewhere! "

You both were scared shitless but you had to keep your head

Lila was still behide you trying her best to be calm in the current situation

" Listen lila we need to find the others ok- " she wasnt walking behide you anymore instead you saw her lifeless body on the ground her arms disfigured eyes rolled to the back of her head

You quickly turned around to start running when you were grabbed by the throat by something that felt slimy yet cold

" You humans are so idoitotic and repulsive " you opened your eyes to see a creature with no facial features and a white face wearing a black suit

" I could say the same to you " you said through coughing as what ever was around your neck tightened

" how dont seem to be like the other humans "

* What the hell is this thing? Is he talking to me in my head? *

" You dare call me a thing? If anything your lucky I dont kill you right now "

Well that answered your question pretty easily

" You disgust me! " you kicked his face making him tumble a little letting go of you

You kept running as you heard the booming footsteps behide you, it was going to be difficult trying to find our way out of the woods but stamina wasnt a issue since you could run for a long time

While caught up in your thoughts you tripped out a tree branch and fell not wasting time you got up but was pulled back down by what looking like a tentacle

" that was a bad decision running away from me human "

" I dont give a fuck you monster! " your ears started ringing like crazy making you cover your ears trying to block out the sound before everything went dark

You wake up in some type of what looks like basement chained up by your wrist behide your back

" Well look whose awake~" a voice called ut from inside the room

" I swear when I get out of these chains ill- "

" You'll what? " the figure of the person became clear as he stepped out into the light he had really pale skin almost white ir looked like and he had black hair with a smile that was cut into his skin

" You'll what? " the figure of the person became clear as he stepped out into the light he had really pale skin almost white ir looked like and he had black hair with a smile that was cut into his skin

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He was kinda cute but that didnt excuse he fact that you were tied up and didnt even know who this guy was

" Who are you ad what the hell do you want with me? "

" My apologies I'm Jeff and to answer your question it's not what I want but what slender wants with you "

" Slender? As in slenderman? But hes not real none of the creepypasta are real "

" Oh ok then I guess im not jeff the killer " he said with a maniacal laugh that sent shivers down your spine as you slowly blackout

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