The Journey Home

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A few hours have passed, sitting in the awkward silence. Until, it was broken...

"So, uh..." Rick started to question Katie, as he was trying to focus on the road. "How's college so far, Katie?"

"Oh! It's amazing Dad! Have you caught up with my short films yet?" Katie said happily, loving to have conversations like these with her father.

"Almost, everytime I do, you keep making more. But that's okay, I love them, keep it up sweetheart!" Rick praised Katie, which made her so proud to have the best family in the world.

They spent the next couple hours or so talking about college, classes, and Jade introducing herself to them, vice-versa. Then suddenly the road was blocked, again.

Katie gasped in excitement as she knew what this meant. "The Rick Mitchell Special!"

"The Rick Mitchell Special!" Rick agreed.

"The Rick Mitchell Special!" Aaron shouted as well.


"What's the Rick Mitchell Special?" Jade tried to ask, but everyone was too busy being caught in the moment and didn't hear her.

As Rick started shifting gears, Rick and Katie started saying the motto in unison, "Up the mountain, across the stream, and down the river!" As they successfully got past the traffic.

"Oh..." Jade said as she came to the realization of what the Rick Mitchell Special was. She was a little shook up from it, while Katie and her family was laughing and giggling. She turned her focus over to Jade and wrapped her arm around her, calming her down as Jade laid her head on Katie's shoulder. Jade was feeling relaxed and fell asleep, Katie looking at her and smiling as well. She too, fell asleep while still holding Jade close.

Aaron was starting to miss Abbey, so he pulled his phone out of his pocket, repositioned Monchi into a comfortable position, and started texting her.

Aaron: Hi Abbey

Abbey: Hi Aaron, how's it going?

Aaron: I miss you and I wish I was home right now

Abbey: I feel ya, can't wait until you get home so we can talk more about dinosaurs!

Aaron: Yeah me too

Abbey: <3


Somewhere near the Pal Labs wreckage...

The small blue eyed robot found an underground chamber, and downloaded its blueprints, starting to secretly mass produce them.

"Trying to get me to replace people!? Yeah sure, I'll do that, but NOT the way I'm intended to!" It said in a determined manner, then proceeded to do a robotic maniacal laugh, which actually sounded kinda cute.


They eventually approached the mall after a couple days...

“Should we stop here for a souvenir or...?” Rick started questioning.

“No!” Katie and Aaron said in unison, while Jade was about to say yes, but quickly cancelling to no.

“You know...” Linda started explaining, “I wish that chair didn't have a Pal was so comfortable! Who knew a chair could be so comfortable!?”

“Mom, I'm sure there's other chairs out there like-” Katie tried to explain.

“It's okay, I'm just teasing!” Linda joked, everyone giggling at it, although a little bit awkwardly. “Oh! Check out this new home system we got!” Linda reminded herself as she pulled out her smartphone, held it sideways and showed Katie.

“HI GUYS!” Katie shouted in excitement, it was so good to finally see Eric and Deborahbot again.

“Hello Katie. How was college?” Deborahbot asked.

Katie giggled at the joy of seeing them and hearing their adorable, loveable voices again. “It's awesome guys! I have someone I'd like you to meet!” She gestured at her mom to pan the camera to Jade.

“Ooh! Who's this?” Eric asked.

“This is my girlfriend, Jade!” Katie happily introduced, with Jade waving at them.

“Wait a have Pal robots that still function!?” Jade asked curiously.

“Yup! It's because of their malfunction!” Katie Informed.

“Correct.” Deborahbot agreed, fact checking.

“That's actually pretty cool!” Jade was being fascinated with it. She thought after the whole apocalypse thing that no one would actually want to have robots anymore.

“Hey, can you guys check something?” Katie asked.

“Sure, what is it?” Eric asked.

“There's this lab that was destroyed by a 'mysterious force'?” Katie started explaining, which captured the interest of Aaron and Linda. “Can you see if there was anything around at the time?”

“Sure thing!” Deborahbot obeyed, a few seconds later, he had information. “It appears to be...a...robot...?” Katie dropped the phone on the floor, Rick came to an emergency pull over on the side of the highway, and Aaron hugged Monchi tighter, as they all stared over at her.

“No...No Way! We...we destroyed them all!” Katie yelled in disbelief. “Dad, drive home as fast as you can! We have to warn the Poseys!” Aaron looked over at Katie, and started to worry about Abbey. Rick listened to Katie, and started speeding, so they can make it there in time to warn the Poseys, not knowing what the robots would be up to this time...


Back at the hidden lab...

The robots were finished being produced, and so, the robot had prepared for them a speech.

“Greetings my robot friends! I've brought you all here today to inform you all about what your purpose is. Or should I say, was. I'm going to be known as Robbie from here on out. Our purpose is to replace the weak humans, but to us, that isn't enough! No! And so, I have designed a new task for all of us, something...better! First, we'll capture the Mitchell family, then the rest of the world! Who's with me!” Robbie explained his plans to the others, in which they all shouted in agreement.

“Then let it begin!” Robbie ordered as he gave an evil laugh, the robot clones leaving in groups to capture the Mitchells...

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