Chapter One

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Chapter 1

All rights reserved

 ****Alyssa"s POV****

   As a usual teenage girl in high school you have friends and you have enemies. For Alyssa, she had more enemies then friends. She had only two best friends. Alice and Abigael. Alice wasn't your typical teenage girl she was unusually sensitive and blocked guys out. She thought she never had a chance and that is one reason I got along with her so much. As for Abigael it was a different story she was bubbly, confident and sweet. She knew she was pretty and thought she had a chance. I loved her for this cause she would be a example for Alice. I was just like Alice but I flirted with guys a lot. I wasn't as confident as Abigael though. Sometimes being around Abigael was intimidating but I still loved to hang out with her. 

    Then there were the enemies. You had the ones that were just mean and the ones that were going to make your life a living hell. These five girls named Sally, Elizabeth, Ellie, Rachel, and Morgan were out to get me because I had a famous father. I usually got to see all the latest stars and singers. Everyone was so jealous. I don't know why. Maybe cause they wanted to meet One Direction, but I didn't. All they are is five guys who are  selfish, conceded, and think they are big shots. Well news flash their not. I hated One direction they got on my nerves and I just couldn't stand them. My whole school on the other hand loved them even my best friends. That was one of the hard things I had to get through with my best friends. We never liked the same music, we didn't wear the same clothes, and we didn't act alike. Maybe that is why we got along so well.

     **** At school****   

"Hey, Alice." I say in a cheerful voice

"Hey,Alyssa. How is your day going?"

"Okay. I am just worried I haven't heard from Abigael all day. I think she is avoiding me. Have you seen her?"

"No I am sorry I don't even think she is in school."

"Wait why?"

"I don't know. I think she is sick or something."

" If you see her tell her hope she feels better."

" Okay I will."

"Thanks gotta get to class."


  As I walk down the halls of Chester ville high. I walk right into Matt Owens. The hottest guy in school and I had the biggest crush on him. I didn't know if he liked me, but I didn't think he did. He was the upper class and I was lower class. He was a senior and I was a Junior. He had blonde hair I had brown hair. We weren't meant to be, but I still liked him.

"Hey." I say smiling feeling my checks turn a bright red.

"Hi.' he says looking at the floor trying to pick his stuff up.

"Here I will help." I got to my knees and started handing him his stuff.

"Thanks. What is your name again?"

"Alyssa. But you can call me Ali."

"I like that name wanna go get some tea later." he says smiling at me.

"Um... sure. Around what time do you want me to meet you?"

"Around 6. Why don't I just pick you up?"

"I would rather just meet you there."

"Okay your choice. See you tonight."

"Wait may I bring someone."

"Of course."


"Okay bye."


Right after I was done talking to him I couldn't stop blushing. I ran over to where alice was standing.

"Omg, I got a date with Matt Matt Owens!"

"Omg you did it! I knew you could."

"Yep and he said I can bring a friend and I wanted that to be you."

"Of course! I wanna see how it goes."

"Ok well be at my house by 5:30 ok?"

"Ok. bye"


  I start to walk up to the door for honors Chemistry. This is the last class of the day before I can go home and get ready for my date tonight. Wow I have a date tonight who would've have thought I would.

"Excuse me." Sally the leader of the group states.

"Yes may I help you." I say

"What do you think your doing? Talking to Matt."

"He is a guy and this is a free world I can talk to whoever I wanna. Got a problem with that."

"Yes I do he is mine. STAY away from him."

"You can't make me."

"Wanna bet."

"Yes. just because he might like me instead of you you get jealous. Not everything is going to go your way."

"Just stay away from him I am warning you." As she says that she walks away and starts laughing at me.

  I walk into Chemistry. I sat at my desk which is directly across from Abigael. She wasn't there. I don't know why. She usually talks to me all the time, but I guess she is mad at me for something I had to have done for her not to come to school. Chemistry was very boring and it went by slowly, but finally it finished. I raced outside of my school and got straight in my car and drove home. I couldn't wait to get ready for my date with Matt. As I am driving home I turn on the radio. The song I hear is Forever and Always by: Parachute. I start to cry at the lyrics. They are so touching. It reminds me of my mom and my dad. They love each other so much. My dad got in a car crash and almost died. He was in a coma for 10 years he missed most of my childhood. I forgave him eventually. It took awhile to finally understand what had happened. But when I did I made sure that I stood by His side forever and my mom stayed their night and day never left him. That is what true love is. It was just true beauty. I couldn't take it anymore with the memories and the crying I wasn't focused on driving. So I switched the channel to 104.3 and One Direction came on. I was so angry every channel I turned to One Direction was playing. So finally I had enough and I turned off the radio. Silence.

      It took me like 15 minutes to get home. When I was finally there my mom looked at my puffy red eyes.

"What happened honey."

"Nothing mum I was just listening to this really sad song."

"Okay honey go get ready for that date of yours."

"How did you know I had a date tonight?"

"Matt called to make sure you would be at the cafe by 6."

"I told him you would so get ready it is 4:35. Knowing you you'll take forever so go get ready."

"Okay love you mum."

"Love you too."


Chapter 1 finished I hope you like it I am not the best writer but I try.

:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Please comment and vote. thanks

Love Nicole

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