A week later

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Before we start! I have Dyslexia so I am sorry if I type something wrong!

•aunt/auntie, rebecca: heather morris
•ann: me/daisy simmons
•g/geeves: michael malarkey
•mother/mom: gwyneth paltrow
•sara: millie bobby brown
•the old man: morgan freeman
•the woman, amber: chyler leigh

⚠️More crazy stuff comes!⚠️

A little talk
"Well hello guys! It's not going so well in this house. My aunt and I have bin screaming to each other for a week now. She said I couldn't go to school so I haven't bij on school for a week now. I miss my friends tho. My aunt is going crazy. Sometimes she punches herself in the face. One time she ran into the wall. I'm so scared now! I'm scared that she will hurt me. Let's hope she doesn't." said Ann.

At the house of Rebecca and Ann (a week later)
"Well I'm sorry that I'm such a disappointment!" screamed Ann and she ran upstairs. "Yea walk away from it, just like your mother did!" screamed Rebecca back. *Ann stopped walking and turned around* "What did you just say?" asked Ann mad. "Nothing, I-" said Rebecca. "What did you just say about my mother?!!" screamed Ann. "I said nothing ok!" screamed Rebecca back. "I don't believe you! I'm going back to my room!" said Ann mad and she ran upstairs. "Oh why did you let me say that!" said Rebecca to herself and she punched her in the face. "Why!?" screamed Rebecca and she fell on the ground. *She sat on the ground and began to punch her in the face for a few minutes. Ann walked downstairs and saw what she was doing. Ann grabbed her jacket and ran outside. Rebecca saw that she left. Rebecca ran after Ann* "ANN COME HERE!" screamed Rebecca and Ann kept running. "ANN COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" screamed Rebecca and Ann was still running. *Ann ran into a woman on the street* "Oh, I'm so sorry ma'am. Are you ok?" asked Ann. "Yea I'm fine but you don't look so fine! Come with me!" said the woman and Ann went to her house.

At the woman her house
"You want something to drink?" asked the woman. "Yea, water please!" said Ann. "Oh by the way, I'm Amber." said Amber and she puts her hand out. "I'm Ann!" said Ann and they shake their hand. (Amber grabs water for Ann) "Nice to meet you Ann. Here you go!" said Amber and she gave the water to her. "Thank you!" said Ann and she drinks a little bit. "So what happened back there? If you don't wanna answer, it's ok!" said Amber. "Well, my aunt is going g a bit crazy." said Ann quiet. "I saw that but what do you mean by going crazy." asked Amber. "I don't wanna say that cause then you will think bad things about her but she is so sweet, so I rather keep that to myself!" said Ann. "I get that!" said Amber. "I'm thankful that you gave me some water and you helped me but I need to go now!" said Ann and she stuud up. "Not back to your aunt I hope!" said Amber worried. "No not my aunt! Someone else!" said Ann. "Well good luck and be care full!" said Amber. "I will! Thanks!" said Ann and she walked to the door. "Oh wait! It's getting dark so you maybe need this!" said Amber and she grabs a light. "Thank you!" said Ann and she grabs the light. "Bye!" said Amber and Ann walked outside. "Bye!" said Ann and she walked away.

At the forrest/house
*Ann walked in the forrest alone with her light. She was so cold but she was almost at the house. A few minutes later and she was at the house. She knocked at the door* "Hello!?" asked Ann. *The old man opened the door* "Oh hello, Come inside!" said the old man and they walk to the kitchen. "Why are you here?" asked the old man. "Well, I need your help... with my aunt..." said Ann. "I'm sorry, I can't." said the old man. "Please tell me why cause I need your help! You're the only one that can help me!" said Ann. *The old man sighs* "Ok, what's going on?" asked the old man.

my crazy aunt (finished)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant