Kara is dying. As if you could read your sister face, you turn to Alex who's hanging on barely. "No Alex this has to work."


"Well, the good news is her mind is active and alert." J'onn alerted relief washing over everyone as they crowd her body. A new member looking down carefully at the fallen hero. You on the other hand was causing a lot of trouble on the thugs in the city, if they hadn't witnessed your power before they sure were seeing it now.

"Oh, thank God." Alex breathed in relief, she was exhausted and hadn't slept a wink last night but that was also the situation of everyone especially CaptainSuper who had spend the night searching for the bitch that did this but came up empty, taking his rage on unexpected thugs.

"Yes. The bad news is, she is very angry." He announced almost robotically he had yet to feel much around the other but if it was one thing they could do is make a sociopath fall into their little family.

"Well, I'm sure she loves being trapped inside a mind prison. You're speaking with her right now, even as you're speaking with us?" Alex questioned still completely confused to how the new stranger was managing to talk to Kara. It came to a shock to a lot of people that Alex was trusting him but this was better than nothing and Alex was ready to try anything to protect her younger sister.

"The crown connects to my internal Al core. It translates her brainwaves to English and sends electronic signals back to her. These tanks have incredible healing power, so she just needs to rest and let it do its work."

Alex sighs in relief she was finally getting some news that settled down her anxiety. "You're from the future, did you know this was gonna happen?" She questioned curiosity to why this being had barged into the DEO demanding to help.

"No, but she's through the worst of it, she'll live."

Alex tapped her foot inpatiently. "But when will she wake up?"

"We don't know." J'onn expressed a little more emotional. She could see through his tough exterior that even J'onn was having a hard time.

"Well, Reign is still out there. I don't like our odds without Supergirl by our side we can't just sent CaptainSuper out there alone." Alex explained referring to all the tabloids and articles of the rageful hero on his own search for the kryptonian.

"I mean, Reign's been quiet, maybe she got injured, too." Winn suggested before y/n could do something he might regret.

"Let's hope so." Alex muttered facing her sister who had her eyes shut. "It's only a matter of time before she strikes again."

You seem to have been uninvited to this little get together but you came anyway to check up on your sister. "Excuse me get the hell away from my sister!!" You yelled pushing him away with some rare strength you didn't even intentionally mean to do but he ducks away as if he knew it was coming.

"Y/n calm down." Alex warned and you glared back at her.

"No back off." You hissed snapping back to the new arrival, blue and confused.

"He's here to help." Alex tried to warn

You scoffed and crossed your arms across your chest. "Likely story."

"I am Brainiac-."

You shook your head. "Oh I heard about you, this thing should be locked up." You pointed out making the others gasp at your spiteful words. You weren't one to judge but when it came to your sisters safety anything was go.


His mutter only just makes it to you and you raise a brow. "What?"

He chuckled robotically. "Brainiac five, My name is Querl Dox, but the Legionnaires just call me Brainy. I'm not here to hurt anyone."

Supergirl's brother. A cat grant x male reader fanfic. Where stories live. Discover now