Are You Blushing?

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Inspired by the quote above

Sam had never expected to be woken up at three am to his boyfriend pounding on his door. But it happened and now he sat awake on the couch petting Bucky's cat and waiting for him to finish showering.

The brunet had shown up drenched to the bone, shivering, and clearly exhausted, hiding his cat, Alpine, in his coat. apparently his house had been attacked, he already tracked down everyone involved and the situation was taken care of, but he and Alpine needed a place to stay. Sam knew it was mainly about Alpine, but if caring about the cat's safety meant that Bucky would take care of himself then Sam wasn't going to say anything.

Bucky walked out of the bathroom, almost completely dry aside from his dripping hair. Long hair takes a while to dry, even after rubbing it down with a towel. Bucky kept a towel wrapped around his waist. Despite having been together for months, they had never once seen each other completely nude.

"Hey, I'm gonna borrow some clothes." Bucky told the other man.

"Alright." Sam replied, keeping his focus on petting Alpine.

It amazed him how Bucky could keep the cat dry in the down pour outside. Sam was certain this cat had it better than him when it came to Bucky's affection.

After a few quiet minutes Bucky walked out of Sam's bedroom, a large blue and black flannel hanging loosely off of his frame, the top two buttons undone. He was tying the stings of the pajama bottoms he had borrowed to keep them from falling off of his hips. The pants bunched at his feet and the sleeve of the flannel fell over his hands. Bucky cursed his size, hating that none of Sam's clothes fit him properly.

Bucky flopped down on the couch next to Sam. He quickly tied his hair out of his face and cuddled up to Sam. It wasn't long before Bucky was nodding off in Sam's shoulder

"Come on Jamie, let's go get in bed." Sam stood up and took Bucky's hand, "You sure as hell aren't sleeping on the couch to night."

Bucky trudged slowly behind as Sam lead him back to the bedroom. As soon as they reached the room Bucky collapsed onto the bed, not bothering to get under the blankets. Sam just laughed.

Sam kissed Bucky's head and grabbed a spare blanket from the end of the bed, "I'll be right back, I'm gonna set up a spot for Alpine in the living room."

"Alpine sleeps on the bed." Bucky said.

"Maybe in your house."

"She's slept on the bed since the day I got her. You aren't switching things up on her now." Bucky glared at  Sam, "We both sleep with you or neither of us do."

Sam rolled his eyes, "Fine, but only because you're so cute." He laughed, climbing into bed next to his boyfriend.

"I'm not cute." Bucky mumbled.

Sam smirked, "Your face is freaking adorable, and I bet the rest of you is too."

Bucky's face grew red, and he couldn't think of anything to say. How was supposed to reply to that?

"Are you... blushing?" Sam asked, chuckling a little.

"What, no!" Bucky claimed.

"Did I get the ever-stoic, hardcore, totally badass James Barnes to blush?" Sam teased, poking at Bucky's sides.

"No... It's... It's the cold!" Bucky turned over to face away from Sam.

"Huh." Sam laughed, "It's the cold. And not that I told you, "your face is freaking adorable, and I bet the rest of you is too"?"

Bucky hid his face in his hands, his voice cracked just the slightest bit, "N-no!"

Sam smiled, and patted the bed, "Come here Alpine."

The cat jumped onto the bed and curled up next to Bucky. Sam leaned over and kissed the back of Bucky's neck.

"Leave me alone. I wanna sleep. Gotta look for houses tomorrow." Bucky mumbled, swatting Sam away.

"You know you could stay here." Sam suggested.

"I could..." Bucky began, "On one condition."

"What is that?"

Bucky looked down at the sleeping cat curled up at his side and smiled, "Alpine sleeps with us."

"I should've known. I love you baby." Sam whispered.

"I love you too Sammy." Bucky yawned before letting himself start drifting off to sleep.

Sam wrapped his arms around Bucky and pulled him closer, "You're so cute."


Word Count: 731

SamBucky One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now