"Thank you all for understanding." I say as I get up.

Do you want me to tell Killian?" His dad asks.

I glance over at him once more and instantly frown when I see her feeding him something off of her fork.

"No, I'll let him know." I fake a smile and push in my chair.

After saying goodbye to them I make my way out of the backyard and into their beautiful home. After managing to find my way to the front door I see the car that would be my uber driver.

I greet him as I get in the backseat and tell him where I need to go. As he takes off I take my phone out of my purse. Opening my messages I compose a new one to Killian.

Selena: Hey, something important came up. I had to go.

Looking at the text I furrow my eyebrows. Should I even let him know I left? I roll my eyes at myself as to how pointless this text would be.

I backspace the entire message until it's gone and lock my phone and put it back in my purse. If I were to send that text, he would probably get it later on, or just then realize I left.

I don't want to seem like one of those girls that needs their boyfriend's attention all the time, even though he's not my boyfriend, I just still felt kind of dumb as he walked away without a final word to me.

After about a fifteen minute drive I arrived at my apartment. I pay the driver and thank him as exit the vehicle. The sun has gone away and it's back to windy and cloudy.

As I enter the apartment building I smile at the doorman as I pass him.

"Selena?" A male voice calls.

I turn around and see the man from Killian's building.

"Hi?" I say in the form of a question with a small smile.

"I don't know if you remember me, Leo." He smiles as he approaches me.

"Yeah, you live on the floor below Killian. We met in the elevator." I nod with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah!" He beams with a smile. God he's as cute as I remember.

"Do you live here or something?" He asks.

"I do." I nod.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Little bro just moved in with his girlfriend." He chuckles.

"And you check on him?" I ask with a small giggle.

"They're nineteen." He defends with a smile.

"Oh god, yeah that's understandable." I laugh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

God are kids really moving in with each other that young in a relationship?

"Yeah." He chuckles.

"So I stop by to make sure she hasn't completely driven him mad." He smiles.

"Very considerate of you." I nod.

"Are you just getting home?" He asks.

"Yeah I was out with- uh just taking a walk." I say and correct myself mid sentence.

"In that?" He asks.

"You look lovely don't get me wrong but isn't it quite cold even with the jacket?" He frowns.

"I mean, it was sunny when I left." I laugh and he joins me.

"Well I'll let you get going, I don't want to keep you out." He smiles.

"Okay." I nod with a shy smile back.

"Hey maybe, we can go for lunch sometime?" He asks and flashes me his smile.

I contemplate if that would be a bad idea. I'm definitely not someone who would try to get back at Killian for leaving me by myself today, that's just childish. But as friends, what harm would it do?

"Yeah that sounds nice." I smile and nod.

"Great okay!" He smiles.

"Um, I hope this isn't too straight forward but could I get your number, by any chance?" He asks shyly.

"Yeah of course." I nod. We exchange numbers and he lifts my palm to his mouth and places a kiss on the back of it.

"I'll see you soon." He smiles.

"You too." I smile back and he drops my hand and bids me a good day as he walks out of the building.

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