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Throughout the week, Lady Donna and Lady Angie kept to themselves in their rooms. I leave them their meals outside their room, and continue with my chores for the rest of the days.

Without a mess to organize or tools to collect, I wander the house with no set task to complete. Curiosity takes me over, and I snoop through the house, checking the drawers and cabinets. I avoid the basement, of course, but search in and out of the Beneviento grounds.


My search was proven unsuccessful. I found nothing worth noting.

I feel guilty. I should've been more careful, not causing such a disruption for Lady Donna. She must feel upset, she looked upset the last time I saw her before she left to her quarters. I'll apologize when she decides to come out.

Maybe I should cook something special for her? I don't know her favorite meals; actually, I don't know anything about the duo. They've kept to themselves, which seems reasonable because I'm just some random maid they received from Lady Dimintrescu. There's nothing much to note about myself, I wake up at a set time and clean in a set way, and sleep at a set hour. I don't partake in many activities, other than cooking and cleaning for the Beneviento ladies.

Maybe Duke would know about them, he's the main man when it comes to information or gossip. I'll make sure to ask him the next time I'm out for groceries.

What could I do to apologize? I'm sure a simple 'I'm sorry.' could do but what if Lady Donna is furious? What if today is my last day at House Beneviento before she sends me to my death in the basement with the monster thing? Worse, what if she sends me to one of the other lords? Lord Moreau? I wouldn't be able to handle the stench at that sickening shack in such a damp and humid mess, though, I find Lord Moreau pitiful.

I guess the best thing I can do is apologize and hope for the best. I got back to work, cleaning missed areas and sweeping for random scraps on the ground or crumbs. There isn't much to do because Lady Donna keeps her area fairly neat and clean with minimal trash and mess.

The ambiance of House Beneviento is filled with chattering dolls and the white noise of the waterfall. I should start on lunch, it's almost 11:00 pm, and lunch is served at 12:00 for both my Ladies.

Before I can get started, I hear a faint door opening and closing before soft padded footsteps come down the stairs to the first floor. A slight scrape of a chair, and items starting to be pushed around, cut, thrown on the ground, and a light tap tap tap of a foot knocking at the ground.

I decide to handle my apologies later, during lunch.


Lunch was finished, it was a quarter till noon. I move around the house, managing between the trash on the floor, and keeping the food warm in time for lunch. Lady Donna was bustling through her scraps and tools, while Lady Angie sat perfectly on the table next to Lady Donna's work.

One last piece of scrap and the second hand hits to 12:00pm. Lady Donna automatically stands and migrates towards the dining room right as I place their lunches on the tables. I decided to apologize then prior to my leaving from the dining room.

"I'm sorry for pulling off your veil, my Lady. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to make you upset."

"It's quite alright, maid. Just make sure you keep your grimy hands away from me." Angie replies, unlike her usual self. I'm sure this time, it's Lady Donna answering me through her instead.

The contrasting punishments between House Dimintrescu and House Beneviento fuels a greater level of confidence in me. Due to both the Ladies' kindness, I am able to show my assertiveness and express my thoughts to Lady Donna, just like now.

"Lady Beneviento, I think you look lovely without the veil." Instead of letting her or Lady Angie reply, I gently grab the side of her veil and slowly lift it up.

"Inconsiderate maid! Didn't I tell you to keep your grimy hands off me! What do you think you're do-"

"-ing.." Lady Angie's voice faded off as she reached the end of her sentence. A soft quiet voice replaced the usual loud booming screeches.

Looking back up at me, was the same shocked face I saw a few days prior. The same pallor face with shades of red creeping up, and the same dark eyes examined my own.

"My Lady, you shouldn't worry about your scars, I thin-I think they look fine--you look fine Donna." I say as I gently watch her expression and the left side of her face, dropping most my formalities. Compared to Lady Angie's or Lady Dimintrescu's tough demeanors, Lady Donna had a soft look, a gentle feel through her work, and her being. My favorite out of the few.

"Your voice is beautiful, my lady." A few strands of hair fall due to my messy hold on Lady Donna's veil. I bravely swept her hair towards the side of her face using my free hand, slowly tucking it behind her ear while focusing gently on the scar covering her left eye. My lips turn to a gentle smile.

She's gorgeous.

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