01: easy

65 3 7

        Let's get one thing straight.

        I didn't mean to win my school spelling bee. I never wanted to even be in it in the first place, pretty much bullshitting my way through each word. I mean, who knew that guessing could get me this far?

        Well, I wasn't entirely guessing. I was mostly relying on memories of the words I've seen in multiple books, and the occasional ingredient I read on the side of a milk carton.

        I remember sitting in my chair, hands playing with the number hanging around my neck. Number 7, which also happened to be my lucky number. What a coincidence.

        Anyway, it felt pretty weird, having everyone's eyes on me. Not that this is the first time I was the center of attention. Mind you, I've been at the center of it all loads of times, but this was different.

        No one was ever watching me because of something like this. Something like a spelling bee.

        The kid at the microphone, Jan, I think, was fiddling with her fingers, her knees practically knocking together as she slowly asked, "Can you repeat the word?"

        "Cantankerous," piped up the lady in the center of the table, two judges on both sides of her. "Your word is cantankerous."

        Cantankerous? Easy word. I've seen it loads of times in stories, so I've pretty much memorized the word by now. But hopefully, Jan can get this word right so I don't advance. If she gets this wrong, I have to spell it, and I'm pretty sure we all know I'll get it correct.

        But I don't want to go to district spelling bee. I know it's optional, but let's face it, my parents are gonna tell me that it'll be 'an invigorating experience'.

        By that, I think they mean, "It'll be cool, so go because then we'll have something to brag about at our next family reunion."

        I'm snapped back to reality as Jan spells out the word, each letter rolling off her tongue just dripping with anxiety. "R..... U.... S? Cantankerous?"

        Wrong. Damn it.

        The sound of the bell fills the air, as does the sound of the kids in the crowd groaning.

        "That is incorrect. If Louise spells your word right, she'll receive on more word, and if she spells that right as well, she will be the champion of this year's school spelling bee."

        Almost instantly, there were the whoops of and cheers of students in the audience, some kids clapping their hands and waving at me.

        What can I say? I'm pretty loved around here.

        As Jan walked past with a grim look on her pale face, I stood up, brushing my skirt off quickly before approaching the mic, looking at Ms. Stevenson.

        "Louise," she said looking up with hopeful eyes. "Spell cantankerous."

        "Cantankerous." I suck in a deep breath, making sure to say the letters slowly. "C-A-N-T-A-N-K-E-R-O-U-S. Cantankerous."

        Everyone falls silent, and it's only the sound of the gym fans blowing that breaks the almost dead silence.

        "That is correct. Now, if you get this word right, you win the spelling bee, also having an opportunity to go to the district spelling bee, understand?"

        I nod my head, my blonde curls moving along with the motion of my head. "Sure."

        "Okay. Louise, your next word is threading."

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