When I find him I see a blonde, her back facing me so I can't identify her. I shrug it off and turn back around, continuing with my meal.

"Okay that can't be his sister." Jade says.

I turn around again and see the blonde stand up and lean over the table to place a kiss to his lips.

I frown at the sight, the blonde gets up and walks in the direction of the bathrooms, her profile now being visible. I frown again and face forward before either of them see me.

"You're right. That's Kara." I say shortly.

"As in the model?" She asks.

"That would be the one." I nod and take a sip of my wine.

"I thought you and him were a thing?" She frowns.

"I can't say we weren't anything but I also can't say we were." I answer shortly again.

"But he can't buy you things and kiss you in front of me- your sister-and take you on dates or have you stay at his place and then bring some other girl out Selena." She says quietly.

"Like I said, we weren't anything." I shrug.

"So you're gonna tell me this doesn't hurt you the slightest bit?" She asks.

"Of course I'm upset about it, but we're both single. He doesn't date. He's made that very clear to me." I answer.

"He's a free man." I add.


"We're here to be together. Let's not let him ruin that." I smile. She gives me a weak smile but nods....

"I'm full. I fucking hate food." She laughs.

"Ready then?" I chuckle.

"Yeah." She nods.

We stand up after receiving the receipt from our check. Pushing in my chair I put my purse on the table to put my wallet back inside and grab my phone and car keys.

After hanging my purse on my shoulder my phone goes off with a text message. I decide to ignore it until I'm in the car.

"Selena?" His voice asks. I was just about to make it to the front without him noticing. I sigh and turn around, to see him looking at me with his phone in his hand. Kara also looked at me with a friendly smile, her hand in his on the table. He noticed my glances and frowned.

"What are yo-"

"I'm kind of in a rush, I'm sorry." I interrupt him and walk to the front, exiting the restaurant and meeting Jade at the car.

"What held you up?" She asks.

"Just as I was about to pass him my phone went off and then he called my name. I'm assuming he sent me the text then heard my stupid phone go off." I groan and stick the keys in the ignition.

"Do you need to vent or anything? You know I'm here." She says calmly.

"I know, but no thanks. What's that gonna do? He wasn't mine and I wasn't his. I'm not hurt. Trust me when I say that, I just feel sorta stupid, because when I met her I could tell she has a thing for him. And here I am staying at his place and kissing him when someone else is trying really hard to get him to be theirs." I answer.

"I have to respect that she likes him. I don't want to ruin her chance of being happy." I add.

"God, you're too nice sometimes." She chuckles.

"Shut up." I giggle.

We arrived back at my place about two hours ago. Jade and I spent the entire time watching Friends on Netflix.

Before we knew it was midnight. We went to bed around twelve thirty since we just laid in my bed and talked about anything and everything.

The sound of my phone vibrating underneath my pillow woke me from my slumber. I groan to myself and reach underneath to retrieve it.

I look at my clock beside my bed to see it's ten minutes until one in the morning. After grabbing my phone I unlock it in annoyance.

"James I swear to god if you're calling because you forgot your key you can sleep outside." I hiss as I rub my eyes.

"Selena it's me" His voice rasps.

"What do you want? It's nearly one in the morning." I groan silently, being sure not to wake Jade up.

"We need to talk please." He says.

"Killian I just said it's nearly one in the morning. I don't have time for this right now. I have work tomorrow." I snap.

"I'm already outside your door. Just let me talk for a minute." He says.

"Well then you can stay out there because I'm not getting up, I'm tired and have work as I just said. Just tell me now." I answer.

"Okay then come outside." He says.

"I meant now as in over the phone." I say, rolling my eyes even though he can't see me.

"No. Because over the phone you can easily hang up or continue to interrupt me." He says.

"Well then this will have to wait because I'm sleepy. Goodnight Killian." I say, I heard him say my name quickly before I hung up.

I place my phone on the table beside me only to hear it go off again. Leaving it on vibrate I just ignore it and allow myself to fall asleep.


"Good morning Miss King." Jessica greets.

"Hi Jessica." I smile as I pass her and head towards the elevator. James had to come in about an hour earlier due to some meeting in his department.

Stopping on my floor I walk straight into my office. My door being wide open for some reason.

I leave my purse on my desk and make my way to the coffee room. Making mine and Ace's coffee I walk to his office, faintly knocking on the door with my foot since both hands are occupied.

"Come in." His voice echoes. Opening the door I smile at him and walk over to his desk, placing the coffee on it.

"Here you go." I smile.

"Thanks Selena." He smiles.

"You look different?" He says.

"Really?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows, he nods and I frown slightly.

"Is my skirt too short?" I ask in worry. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"No Selena it's not that. Ah, your hair isn't curled. I'm sure that's it." He smiles. I chuckle and nod.

After asking him for a list of representatives who promote his company I head out of his office.

Walking into mine I gasp when I see Killian leaning against my desk with his hands in his pockets.

"What are you-" I begin to ask but am interrupted.

"I told you, we need to talk." He answers.

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