Shocking, I know.

"Guys, we had this video call to check up on Hilary, not talk about ourselves." Dawn reminded them and I smiled. I really didn't mind them talking about themselves. Their lives were more interesting than mine at the moment.

"How are you, baby girl?" That was Kizito, so I focused on him. He would want me to be perfectly honest with them and I knew I had to. I have never really kept anything from my friends. I was the worst liar ever and they knew that.

"I'll be okay, Kizi." Was all I could say, not prepared to go into details of how I had cried on the floor of my late brother's room for two good hours. They will be worried and that was the last thing I wanted.

"Girl, have you even had your bath?!" Semeeha shrieked all of a sudden and I glared at her, just about the same time Kizito and Dawn groaned.

"Semeeha, really?" Dawn queried, not refusing to hide her displeasure at all. Kizito meanwhile, had a stoic expression on his face, staring straight at Semeeha.

"What? If you guys don't tell her, you know I will. Can't you see the way her hair is disheveled and her face is rumpled up? I bet she stinks too." To that, I had to lift my arm to my face and smell my pits.

I smell fine, I think?

"Wow, Semeeha. Thanks." I flashed her a sarcastic smile, suddenly feeling self-conscious even though they weren't physically there with me. One thing everyone absolutely hated about Semeeha Malik was her loose mouth. The girl didn't know how to talk to people.

And she didn't care.

"Hilary, don't mind Semeeha. You look amazing." Kizito stated and I smiled back at him in gratitude. Kizito never lies, so if he said I look amazing, then I look amazing.

"I second that." Dawn chipped and my smile graduated to a chuckle. Semeeha only scoffed.

"You people be lying to her." She muttered, though loud enough for all of us to hear and I shook my head, choosing to ignore that statement.

"I have to go though, duty calls. I'll see all of you on Tuesday." She didn't even wait for a response to what she said. She just blew us kisses and her screen went blank.

"I'm glad she's gone," Kizi said immediately she left and I shot him a look. If he was beside me, I'd have probably given him a slap on his arm. He wouldn't feel it anyway, his biceps are huge.

"Kizi!" I chided and he shrugged, his expression unapologetic.

"Friendship aside, that's girl is a lot of work," Dawn added, obviously agreeing with Kizito.

"Well, we have been her friend for say, four years?" I asked to confirm and they both nodded. "We have been tolerating her for that long, I think we can do more. Plus, she tolerates our own lapses too, especially you Kizito. So, you guys should quit complaining." I told them.

"Yes ma'am. Glad to have you back." Kizi teased with a smirk and I laughed, shaking my head at him. We began to chat, talking about school. I asked them to tell me things that were going on, the ones that weren't related to me or the accident.

Dawn informed me that we had a new Maths teacher, a young and handsome corper that has succeeded in stealing the hearts of the majority of our set girls. Kizito countered Dawn, saying the man wasn't that handsome, a hint of jealousy in his voice that had me laughing out loud. My curiosity was perked even more and I suddenly began to look forward to resuming.

We kept talking about random things and I slowly began to forget my own problems.

"Oluwadamipe!" The voice was coming from a distance from Dawn's side, followed by strings of words in what sounded like french. Dawn groaned, muttering incoherent words to herself that made Kizito and I laugh. We weren't surprised because we knew it was Dawn's mum and we knew how the woman was. She was just as lovable as her daughter, but still very extra.

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