Chapter 9: Year Six, Autumn (updated: 09/10/22)

Depuis le début

"Ok" you said. "What do you want us to do?"

"We'll send you a message with a time to meet" said Merula.


*Meet me at the Hogs Head Inn this Saturday afternoon at 4.*

"Did you send me a message to meet you this Saturday at the Hogs Head Inn?" asked Penny.

"No, I got the same message, though, I think it's from Merula and Ben. Let's find Charlie, we should talk." You and Penny found Charlie in the courtyard and the three of you headed to the artifact room. "Ben and Merula talked to Charlie and me the other day" you told Penny.

"They told us that Rakepick is part of some evil secret organization called 'R.'" said Charlie.

"What?" Penny gasp in surprise. 

"I think Ben and Merula are the ones that sent the messages about meeting at the Hogs Head Inn. They want to meet with a group of us this weekend to tell us what they know about Rakepick, 'R,' and Rowan's death" you said. You and Charlie continued to tell Penny what you had been told by Ben and Merula. Talking about Rowan's death caused Penny to started crying, which in turn made you start crying. The two of you hugged and wiped your tears. Charlie offered a small smile then put a hand on each of your backs in attempt to comfort the two of you.

"We should probably head to dinner" said Charlie, finally breaking the silence. The three of you left the artifact room and headed to the Great Hall.


"Talbott?" you said as you entered the owlery with your boyfriend later that week.

"Yes, gattina?"

"I..." you tried to find the words, but couldn't.

"What is it?" he asked as he wiped away your tears with the pads of his thumbs.

"I just miss Rowan so much."

Talbott laid out the blanket he had hidden, motioned for you to take a seat, sat down next to you, and held you in his arms. The two of you didn't say anything else the entire time you were there, but you didn't need to. Talbott had a way of comforting you just by being there with you. He would hold you in his arms, play with you hair, kiss you on the cheek, wipe away your tears, and tangle his fingers with yours. Talbott valued his alone time, so spending such a large amount of it with you was his way of showing you that he cared. You didn't stop missing Rowan, but with Talbott by your side, the pain was easier to deal with.


That Saturday, you and Talbott joined Penny, Andre and Diego as they walked to the Hogs Head Inn in Hogsmeade. You entered the pub and saw Merula and Ben standing in the corner. Charlie, Ismelda, Jae, Barnaby, Liz, Badeea, Tulip, and Tonks were all sitting in chairs in front of them. The five of you took seats next to the rest of your friends and looked up at Ben and Merula.

"Thanks for coming today" said Ben. "Sorry we were so secretive, but we don't want anyone at Hogwarts to overhear us."

"Copper, Spellbody, Weasley and I... we watched Rakepick kill Rowan" said Merula.

"If not for Rowan, it could have been any of us..." said Ben. "It would have been me."

"While I know we are still grieving, the time has come for action" Merula said. "We're forming a secret organization. What we'll be facing is much bigger than Rakepick, it's time that all of you learn about 'R.'" Merula and Ben began telling the rest of you what they had learned about 'R.'

"Rakepick has allies, they're a dangerous secret organization called 'R.'" said Ben.

"'R' wants whatever is in the cursed vault, though we don't know why" said Merula.

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