Chapter 8: Year Five, Spring (updated: 09/10/22)

Start from the beginning

"That sounds lovely, I'll go with you" you said.

"No... It's ok... I'll bring one back for you" Talbott said. He turned around and quickly walked past the tables with refreshments and out of the hall.

"That was odd" you said to no one in particular.

"Was it?" said Penny who had been standing right behind you

"Talbott said he was going to get us refreshments, but then he just left. What is he doing?"

"You know Talbott, he's not big on crowds... maybe you should head over to the library" suggested Penny.

"Do you know something, Pen?"

"You should head over to the library" she repeated a knowing smile blooming on her face.

You left the Great Hall and walked toward the library unsure of what was waiting for you. You opened the door and to your surprise, Talbott had created your own little fairy tale land. There were heart-shaped arches made of books and fairies lighting up the room.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Kendra."


"Now who is the speechless one?" he said with a little smile. "I just thought that, well, you deserved a storybook romance." Talbott led you further into the library where there was a little grotto of heart-shaped book arches and candlelight. "So what do you think, Kendra?"

"I had no idea you were such a romantic, Talbott!"

"I guess all that poetry paid off..."

"Thank you, Talbott, this is amazing!" 

"You're the amazing one, Kendra. All I did was ask Pince and Dumbledore if I could use the library."

"I don't know what to say."

"I made you something as well, it's a storybook." Talbott pulled out his wand and produced a leather-bound book with a small key hanging from it.

"Let me guess, it's a tale of a loner with a poetic soul and..." you started

"a beautiful witch who share a storybook romance" Talbott finished.

"Sounds like a story I'd like to read over and over" you smiled.

"I thought you might. That key unlocks the book whenever you feel like reading it... and you can wear the key like a necklace so the story will always be with you."

"Thank you Talbott, you truly are a romantic."

"Well, I think you bring it out in me." Talbott took the necklace and hung it around your neck. "Happy Valentine's Day, Kendra."

"Happy Valentine's Day, Talbott" you said and he took you by the hands and kissed you on the cheek. You kissed him back and he pulled you into a tight hug.

Later that night you sat on your bed reading Talbott's story wondering how you were so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend.


"Hi Bill" you said as you saw your friend heading toward the Great Hall for lunch. "How are you? I haven't seen you for such a long time!"

"I've been busy preparing for my N.E.W.T.s and helping Rakepick."

"Helping Rakepick? How exactly are you helping her?"

"She has asked Ben Copper, Merula Snyde, and me to help her find a portrait of a vault. She thinks it will help her in being able to break the curse here at Hogwarts."

"I still can't believe she actually thinks there is a curse at Hogwarts. That's crazy, right?"

"I used to think so, but now, now I'm not so sure. Hogwarts is such a large place, it wouldn't be impossible for something cursed to be hidden here."

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