Chapter 16

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The next morning Liam looked confused as he saw Harry, Louis and Niall standing there, waiting for him to go to school.

"So I got three bodyguards now or?" Liam chuckled confused.

"Yeah, let's call it bodyguards. We are gonna wait for you there so we can go and do something afterwards."

After Liam had told them that they should stay at home and he will pick them up later and them disagreeing, they made it to school as four.

As Liam made it to his Sociology lecture, the other three lads walked towards Mrs. Fellon's classroom.
They hoped that she would be there and wouldn't have to teach, so they knocked at the door.
A nice, female voice told them to come in and a few seconds later they were standing in front of the confused teacher.

"Oh hello. I recognize you", she pointed at Niall, "You are Mr. Payne's friend, correct?"
Niall nodded and Louis and Harry introduced themselves.

"And what brings you here, why do you enter school voluntary? It's because of your friend, right?" She waited for the boys to explain themselves.

Since Niall had already met her yesterday, he was the one explaining.
"Well, yes we are here because of Liam. As you know, his boyfriend and our best friend Zayn has passed away in an accident." Niall made a quick pause before continuing. "Yesterday he told you that he is ok but indeed he isn't. It is understandable that he is not ok but we think it is badder than "not ok".
I...umm..after I had moved in with him I found something on his wrists...he had cut..himself. And yesterday, when I went to lunch with him, his sleeve accidentally shifted up and I saw fresh cuts."

Louis then took over with talking, since Niall was still a bit overwhelmed with that whole thing.
He told her everything about Liam not leaving his room anymore, how he didn't eat anymore, about the self harm, how he was pretending that he was ok and about the situation when he even took drugs.

Mrs. Fellon listened carefully and didn't interrupt once.
She nodded a few times and seemed professional but her eyes showed that she was shocked. Since she already knew Liam as one of her students and had known him as ambitious, caring and very nice student until now.

"We really don't want him to know about this talk, it's like we betrayed his trust, but he can't think clear at the moment and we think that his mental health is more important. We really don't want a lot, just a little advice." Harry explained to her.

"If I am being honest, I didn't expect something like this. Everybody copes differently with the death of someone important but it is very unhealthy like with self harm, drugs or alcohol. He should definitely see a therapist because we don't know what is going in inside of his brain. I don't want to concern you but he could be in serious danger meaning that he, as observed, uses unhealthy coping methods and may even considers...suicide. "

As all of the three looked at her in shock she quickly explained herself to not completely freak them out: "What I wanted to tell you with that is that he probably should see a therapist because self harm or drugs can be extremely dangerous. And what you guys can do is just be there for him and maybe ask him how he is. He will answer with "I'm ok" but try to like 'crack him open'. Maybe like that you can break his emotional walls down."

She smiled at them and in the same moment the door opened and a few students entered.

"We don't want to bother you any further but thank you so much for the help, we will see what we can do" Niall smiled at the teacher sympathetically and afterwards they left the classroom to go to Liam's class again.

To their bad luck, Liam was already standing outside of the class looking around confused.
As he saw the three he squinted his eyes and asked them with a suspecting undertone: "Where were you guys? You are acting so weird since the morning."

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