About Jotunnheim...

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Thor blinked as he was standing in front of a giant metal door that he was being told was pure led... Also that the entire room in there was coated in led to prevent any gamma radiation leak.

Bolts and locks were keeping away any intruder and above the door was a big red light, apparently the light would switch to green when it was okay to knock.

... Thor had kept an eye on that light ever since morning, checking now and again, it had yet to turn to green.

Now it was nearly nighttime, Banner had to come out sooner or later.... Right?

Thor just stood.... Stood forever, he started to feel drowsy and was considering if he should just give up and try his luck again the next day.

Then suddenly the light turned green and Thor looked up, then he hesitated and he lifted a hand, knocking. "Hello," he tried. "Friend Banner."

He couldn't hear any sounds in there, probably due to the door being massive and led, then suddenly the bolts were removed and the door opened, only for Thor's eyes to widen.

Because there in front of him stood... Thor was ready to swear that the last time he and Banner had seen each other, Banner had been a good head shorter than Thor. Now though, they were the exact same height, and Banner's skin looked part way green. Thor gaped.

"Oh." Bruce blinked. "Thor, what a surprise. I haven't seen you in forever."

Thor was still gaping. "Fri-Friend Banner?" he asked.

Bruce smiled lightly.

"What?" Thor asked.

"I am... exposing myself to very controlled steady streams of Gamma radiation every day," Bruce informed. "By the constant exposure I should be able to control my other half much more easily. We will meet each other halfway there," he said. "It's a long process, and it needs to be done every single day but... I think it is working."

Thor was still blinking when Bruce cleared his throat. "What can I do for you, Thor?" he asked.

"Hey." Thor pouted. "I might just be here to see an old friend," he pointed out.

"You are currently caught between two timelines, and have successfully managed to transfer one Infinity Stone from one to the other," Bruce informed.

"Huh?" Thor asked. "How?"

"Nat told me." Bruce smiled. "I do have an intercom in there. She also said you wanted to see me about something. Though, honestly, I thought you would have gone to bed by now. I was planning to talk to you in the morning."

"Oh," Thor realized.

"But now we are both here. How can I help you?" Bruce asked, actually looking sympathetic.

Thor blushed as he glanced down. "Well..." he blushed. "You are a doctor, yes?" he asked. "An... Midgard Doctor, and Midgard actually has ways to deal with..." He scratched his cheek. "Things of the mind... Yes?"

Bruce groaned. "I am not that kind of doctor! How many times do I have to say it!?" he asked. "I'm a physicist, NOT a psychologist, those are two very different things!"

Once again Thor had to admit he was clueless.

Then Bruce groaned. "We are friends though, so I suppose I can listen over a beer or something. As a friend!" he held up a hand. "Not a god damn psychologist!"

Thor smiled lightly. "I would like that," he stated. "Except... erhm. No beer for me."

"Really?" Bruce asked, clearly surprised.

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