Just Say Hi. (Short Story Full)

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The summer afternoon heat did nothing to my downcast mood. My brain scavenged through things I want to do.

Do my passion projects, swim to the beach, something. Anything.

Nothing. The paralyzing heat wouldn't allow it. 

Instead all I have with me is my lonesome and a rhythm that now falls on deaf ears. 

Rattle rattle tick. Rattle rattle tick. Became the obnoxious metronome that filled my ears. I shot a pained gaze at my electric fan. 

The compact corners of the place and the small ventilation provided by the window that is barely proportional to the area of my room. As I laid on my side basking in the painful indirect kiss of the sun. Like a bread left to bake I scrolled through my feed with the same disinterest I have in life.

As a specimen of the modern man; one without friends, full of financial stumbles, and again disinterest in life. I still think that someone would drop by out of the blue. Still I refreshed my DMs hoping. Just hoping. Someone would slide in.

But then again No body, No crime... Okay that's, nevermind.

The desert feeling of my skin crackle was enough to turn me prone. The contact of my chest and stomach to my bed was comforting. My groin however was not. It started to open my internal faucet. 

"I need to pee." I told myself to make sure I wouldn't ignore it.

Jumped out of the bed and into the bathroom while my hand still clasped on my phone. The tinkling sound of the toilet broke the mundane tone of the electric fan. As I moved about my business without breaking eye contact with my phone.

The change in location prompted me to change my feed. I refreshed Facebook, now greeted with a fresh new story post. I tapped rapidly to each one of my friend list. Making sure regardless if I loathe the person to not swipe skipping their stories.

Then it happened. A shock to the system. A post that made me pause.

A beautiful woman on a boomerang filter jokingly sipping her coffee with a stirring stick. My face wrinkled in a grin. The whole thirty seconds felt like a snap that I noticed about four other people's story had passed. I hurriedly swiped back to the story. Viewed and replayed it a few more times.

I locked my thumb tight at my screen as I looked and verified the name. Nico Sanchez, high school- crush, I mean classmate. Liked her back then but I didn't move because, well. Boyfriend.

My mind wondered if they're still going strong. While I bask at the penancing thought I lifted my finger. I never had a chance back then, how would I do now?

I walked out of my bathroom dejected. My legs noodle and my body soaked in sweat. Women like Nico are out of my league.

Yet against all odds my body froze. Fingers swiped back. As my eyes read the words 'Just Now.' Nico updated her story. She's at the nearby mall, just a 5 minute walk from here. 

My palm froze, then made my fingers cold. As my hand locked on a grip on my phone whole my heart pulsated a fire within. My thumb sloths it's way to her photo. As it sent me to her profile my heart served some arteries.

As my finger turtled down scrolling, my heart detached every and all connections it had. My head now wore a crown of sweat beads. I struggled to swallow the heavy lump on my throat. But I persevered. All until I reached the one vital information I never dared to read. My heart leapt off and into the ground.

Yet instead of shattering it bounced back inside. My eyes became blurry as I viewed the details, all but one. Relationship Status: Single. 

Do it.

Just Say Hi. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora