Oh Sweet Mother

44 13 16

My dear mother
The one who fought for me.
She loved me dearly even when no one else did.
She played with me even when everyone looked at me like I was a piece of shit.
She carried me for nine months in her belly

Always talking to me and reassuring me that I was safe
She always kissed my forehead good morning and good night
She did every thing in her power to make sure I grew up in love and care.
No one else cared about her
She always carried me on her back while doing odd jobs to make us survive.

We weren't a poor family but the husband she married always spent his money on gambling and alcohol.
He didn't care about the family he had at home
He showered all his money on prostitutes.

He hurt her so much
But to her,
That was just a sign to keep pushing
She always wore a weak smile on her face and at forty, she looked seventy.
She had scars on her body,
Wrinkles on her face,
Bruises on her hand,
But she didn't care
A tear always escaped her eyes whenever she sees me playing with other kids.

I was disabled,
No one ever wanted to touch me
They treated me like a disease.

I never wanted to lose her and she never wanted to lose me either.
She was all I ever needed in my entire life.

Oh! Sweet mother .
Only if everyone was like you
The world would be a better place to live.


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