Chapter 2

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(Third person pov)

Kanto. The peaceful and beautiful region. The region where our hero comes from. Yes, this is the home region of a talented pokemon trainer with messy raven hair and big brown eyes. Ash Ketchum has finally done it he really did it. He conquered the Kanto Battle Frontier by defeating none other than Pyramid king Brandon himself and not to mention that he is the first one to accomplish that. No other trainer has been able to defeat Battle Frontier yet. Many tried but were miserably crushed by Brandon's Legendaries.

It was not like Brandon didn't used legendaries against him. He of course used them. It was a full 6 on 6 battle. Brandon used different types of pokemons like Dusclops, Ninjask, Solrock, Regirock, Registeel and Regice. Ash used his Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Snorlax, Sceptile, Charizard  and Pikachu. It was a difficult battle but Ash's Pokemon were well trained and handled everything perfectly. He won at last when his Pikachu defeated that legendary Regice by using a powerful Volt Tackle. But what was the actual reason he won? He used his old and trained pokemon.

Ash was very happy not only happy but also proud of his pokemons. Each and every one of them were just great. He never doubted his pokemons' abilities. They were all highly skilled and Ash knew that. They were full with courage, determination and talent just like their trainer. Trust Ash always trusted his pokemons. For him love and care were the only things that pokemon needed and made them strong. Ash always respected them and they always respected him. Well that was not the case with his every pokemon at first but slowly he made his bond so strong with each of his pokemon that no other trainer could dream of. That was his Battling Style. And nothing was ever going to change that. It had always been this way and will always be.

After that incredible win he returned to his home in Pallet Town to greet his mother and his other pokemons at Professor Oak's lab. But when he reached and knocked at his house no one opened the door so he assumed that maybe his mother went to meet Professor. So he raced pikachu to the lab and of course Pikachu won by using Quick Attack as always. Once he reached there the same thing happened no one answered the door so he went inside to check whether everything was alright or not and he sweared that if Team Rocket was behind all of this then they were going to get it this time. He rushed towards Professor's room and opened the door and then suddenly

Happy Birthday Ash! Ash and Pikachu both get startled at the unexpected surprise. There stood Misty, Gary, Tracey, his Mom and Professor with wide grins. As Ash approached them they all started wishing him a great 15th Birthday and congratulations on winning against pyramid king. They had a small get together at Ash's House and as evening fell they started waving their goodbyes. After everyone left Ash decided to have a little talk with his mom regarding his next Adventure.

Ash noticed that his mom Delia seemed pretty sad when he told her that he was deciding on leaving on his next Adventure. But than she smiled one of her genuine smiles and he can't help but smile back as he knew that his mom was the coolest and best mom ever and will always support him in his every decision. She then asked him where was he planning to leave this time. Ash answered her by telling her that Professor Oak had recommended him to visit Sinnoh region as it has not only new and awesome pokemons but also one of the best leagues. Ash told her mom that he was going to take the ship which was leaving for the sinnoh region tomorrow to which his mother replied by wishing him luck.

Ash can't help but stand on the ship and admire the beautiful ocean's beauty and smile at yesterday's occasions. He was interrupted in his thoughts by his cute little buddy Pikachu who said a small pika while admiring the beauty of that blue ocean himself. He was just going to say something to Pikachu when his hat flew out of his head due to the strong wind. He was going to go after it when suddenly a pokemon approached him and gave him his hat back. Ash was so surprised that at first he didn't said anything. A clear surprise was visible on his face.

"What are you doing here? Aipom!"

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