4. Clubs And The SCP

Start from the beginning

She turned around the corner and I followed her, I guess I felt curious.

"Suzune, I didn't think you would follow me till here."

Suzune huh, that's a nice name.

"Nii-San, I'm not the failure I was back then."

Hmm this can be a good way to get a pawn in Class-D, if I record the conversation I might be able to blackmail her later on.

"I heard you were placed in Class D. I suppose nothing has really changed in the last 3 years. You've always been fixed on following me, and as a result you don't notice your own flaws. Choosing to come to this school was a mistake."

Class D? Looks like classes are alloted on the basis of students merit as well, this is some interesting information I just received. But looks like his sister isn't able to understand this.

{So in the  LN this event occurs after the first month but I'm doing it before it so that Kiyo can get this information of students being alloted according to 'Merit' earlier.}

While I was lost in my thoughts they continued arguing, now he had grabbed her by her wrist and pushed her against the wall.

He was about to hit her when I decided to come out of my hiding and called him out.


He looked surprised as he's been found out, while the girl was now even more scared, maybe she's remembering the punishment I gave her that day.

"You were about to hit her, even if she is annoying, disrespectful, violent, almost hurt ice cream Chan, you should know that the floor here is concrete and it can end up with her having a serious injury." I said drinking my juice, hmm mangoes are yummy.

He ignored all my comments about her sister's personality and said.

"Eavesdropping isn't an admirable quality."

"Domestic violence doesn't look good either you know. Especially for the student council president of an elite school." I finished my juice as I said it and threw it behind me, it landed inside the dustbin I saw earlier.

I take out my phone and show the video I recorded earlier. Even if he didn't hurt her his intentions were quite visible and will be enough to ruin his reputation if not punish him.

He glared at me but I can see some sweat in his head. He ran towards me and tried to hit me but I dodge while putting my phone back in my pocket, he aimed a kick at my head but I barely dodge it. He looked a bit surprised after watching me predict his moves and dodging them easily. He gasped and extended his hand. I grabbed it and as expected he tried to push me to the ground but I pull him towards me and punch him in the gut causing him to fall to the ground in pain.

"N-Nii San!"

"Now Senpai let's make a deal, you give me 5 Million points and I delete this video, you don't and this goes to the school." I extend my hand to him which he takes and stands up.

He adjusted his spectacles with his middle finger and takes out his phone. Then he types a contract, according to the contract he will pay me 5 million points for me deleting this video, I'm not allowed to keep any other copy of this video. I sign it and he transfers me the points and I delete the video.

"You have made an interesting friend Suzune, what's your name?" he asks me.

"Ayanokoji kiyotaka."

His eyes widened for a second before he regained his calm composure.

"I see, you're definitely a interesting student you're the first one ever to be able to ace all subjects in the entrance examination. I hope you don't dissapoint me." he said and left in the shadows.

Hmm looks like he has a good impression of me, I was planning on joining the Student Council anyways, this works in my favor.

Well it will make it easier for me to join the student council, also it looks like the Student Council President has a lot of power to know the entrance exam scores of the students.

As I had finished my business here, which was buying juice. I was going back towards my room, but a certain annoying girl had some different plans.

"What did you and Nii-San talk about?"

When I was 'dealing' with her Nii San he asked her to go away and she was far enough to not be able to eavesdrop on our conversation.

"None of your business."

I kept walking but she grabbed my arm.

"Answer my question."

I was already frustrated and unlike the last time I dealt with her ice cream San was not with me. I turned around and glared at her as I spoke.

"Are you retarded or did you not hear me when I said that it was. None. Of. Your. Fucking. Business."

She was shaking but managed to gather enough strength to talk again.

"Y-you t-threatened him D-didn't you? I-I will c-complain to the t-teacher."

This girl is getting more and more annoying, if there wasn't a camera right above my head I would've punished her right now.

"As far as I'm concerned it was just a deal between me and the student council president, if you are so much interested in knowing it's contents go ask him, don't waste any more of my time. If you understand get out of my sight you stuck up bitch." as I said this she ran away towards the dorms, I bought another juice from the vending machine to calm me down before heading back myself.

Thats all for this chapter

I'll try to edit out the rest of the parts that I have for this and post them by today.

Till then


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