Chapter 1: Year One (updated 09/10/22)

Start from the beginning

"Oh, yes, sorry, I'm Kendra."

"Kendra, like Dumbledore's mum?" asked Rowan as she looked up from her book.

"Yes, my parent's named me after her," you answered.

"Nice to meet you Kendra!" Penny said. "I'm so excited to be going to Hogwarts. Both of my parents went. Dad was in Gryffindor and mum was in Hufflepuff. I think I'm going to be in Hufflepuff, but I'd be happy with Gryffindor too. What about you?"

"Both of my parents were in Ravenclaw" you answered.

The rest of the train ride you spent talking to and getting to know your new classmates. Penny loved to talk, she was really sweet and pretty too, no doubt she would have loads of friends by the end of the first week. Rowan didn't talk as much, she wasn't necessarily shy, but she was definitely the academic type with her nose in a book and you suspected she'd be in Ravenclaw. It was nice to know that you'd have at least one friend in your house if you joined Ravenclaw like your parents, but you'd find out soon enough at the sorting hat ceremony.


After arriving at the castle, you and the other first years were stopped outside of the Great Hall by Professor McGonagall who preceded to explain the sorting hat ceremony. Shortly after her speech, you and the other students followed her in to the Great Hall and stood in front of the tables and before the sorting hat. You had heard stories about it, but weren't prepared for it to look so old and shabby. Slowly, one by one, Professor McGonagall called up the first years to be sorted. You watched as Penny was sorted into Hufflepuff and Rowan was sorted into Ravenclaw and patiently awaited your turn.

"Spellbody, Kendra" McGonagall announced.

You took a deep breath, stepped up on the stage and took a seat on the stool. You could hear the sorting hat thinking, but it didn't take long for it to declare "Ravenclaw!" You looked over at the Ravenclaw table and saw Rowan smiling and waving for you to come sit by her. 

The rest of the evening was a blur of food and conversations. You met a few other first year Ravenclaws, namely Andre who is obsessed with Quidditch and Tulip who seems like she might be trouble, but you still liked her. At the end of the evening you, Rowan, and Tulip found your dorm and met Badeea, another first year Ravenclaw, who was already inside, unpacking some art supplies.

"Hi, I'm Tulip, this is Kendra, and this is Rowan, we're your dorm mates!"

"Hello, I'm Badeea. I hope you don't mind, but I'm using the extra bed to organize some of my things."

"Extra bed? There's only four of us?" Tulip enquired. "Interesting..."

"It's only our first day, how are you already plotting something? And what are you going to do with an extra bed, Tulip?" you laughed.

The rest of the evening was spent unpacking, chatting, and laughing with your new dorm mates. By the end of the night, Hogwarts felt like home and you knew you were going to have a good year.


The following morning your classes started in potions with the Slytherins. You and Rowan found yourself at a table with three Slytherins who quickly introduced themselves as Merula, Ismelda, and Barnaby. Barnaby was tall, muscular and handsome. Even though he looked quite tough, as though he could beat up anyone else in your year, he seemed quite sweet. He was the complete opposite of what you thought Slytherins were like. Merula and Ismelda on the other hand, fit the bill perfectly. They were both a bit mean and Merula claimed to be the most powerful witch of all the first years. After potions, you joined the Gryffindors for charms where you met Ben who was muggle born and seemed to be afraid of his own shadow and Charlie who came from a long line of witches and wizards. Minutes into that class Charlie and Andre became fast friends, owing to a shared love of quidditch.

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