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crap," I groaned loudly. "I'm gonna be really late for it". I checked my phone.

"10:17 AM"
I woke up much later than usual. I wondered about the reason behind it for a little too long. Then i remembered, I stayed up extra late last night. I was busy watching tv and lost track of time. The last thing i remember see on the clock was, 3:46 AM. But still, i was usually good at waking up on days like that. Moving on quickly, I got dressed and got ready to leave.

I was moving back to seoul. My senior from college offered a job there. I needed the money, so i took that offer. The only problem was finding a place to stay... That's what I was late for.
I ran out the door once i was done. I wanted to be early as possible.

"1:54 PM"

I finally arrived to Seoul. I grabbed my suitcase and started to hunt for a place to stay.

Everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE was out of my budget. I didn't have much money to spend, so it had to be cheap as possible. I looked for hours and hours. It was getting a little dark out. But near the end of the day, i found one place that was located in a rather inconvenient spot. It was up a long hill. I walked up half the hill and a wheel popped off... *sigh*
I made it up several minutes later. The building before my eyes was a 4 story residence.
The place looked pretty run down. So, I'd assume the pricing would be affordable.

"Hello young lady!" an old lady called out.

"You can call me Ms.Um. I'm guessing you're looking for a place to stay here!"

"she's very friendly" I thought.

"Yeah," i replied, "I'm Yoon Y/N, do you have a room for me?"
Ms.Um walked into a room, then came out with a pair of keys. She indicated where the rooms were. I walked down the long hallway.

"Y'know...It's not much but it's the cheapest you'll find in all of Seoul. You should heavily consider taking my offer!" She yelled.

She wasn't wrong about it not being much. To be honest, this place was kind of disgusting. The walls were stained, the floor was kinda dirty. And I couldn't help but notice a man with his door wide open that had a bunch of porn on the walls.. I shuddered at the sight. I finished looking around the eerie hallway and walked back to her.

"Well..." Ms.Um said enthusiastically.

I didn't have much of a choice. I asked my boyfriend about staying with him. He said i couldn't since he has roomates..

"I'll take it..."I said hesitatantly. She then took my hand and opened it.

"These are for room 303. Here are the keys. But you only have these ones, no others!"she informed me. She then plopped them on my palm.

I took my stuff and went to go look for the room. I thought i found it. And started to try and unlock a room. Then a bald headed man appeared. He was giggling a lot and snickering.

"That's not your room silly," he laughed. "That's mine, yours is right there."

He continued laughing. He was an odd fellow, not much i could do about that. I headed over to where he pointed.

"room 303" I read.

I unlocked the door and looked inside. It was tiny. Could barely take 5 steps. I took a look at the desk pushed against the wall. I saw a little notebook. Inside it read, "die.die.die.die..." repeated and going on for pages. Creepy...

"The last man to move in here commited suicide. So, don't worry about the little things he left behind!"

Ms.Um showed up out of nowhere. She was smiling hard. The lady was nice and all. But, something about her was sort of off. I have no clue what but still. I think it was how nice she was to be honest.

I unpacked and decided to sleep after the long day.

"11:48 PM"

a stranger from hellWhere stories live. Discover now