len steals a ring doorbell

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one day len was watching gigantic otn and then a fucking ad came up about a ring doorbell. len was like "what is this strange product that i defnitely havent seen on my neghbours front door." and then he thought to himself the most fucking fantastic idea ever. why dont i steal a ring doorbell and make a stupid fucking youtube video about it. and so the most imbecilic youtube video was born. he stole his neighbour's ring doorbell the next day and went "just stole a ring doorbell, hopefully nobody starts chasing me". he showed it to his housemate rin and she went "the fuck do you want its 4am and i've gotten half an hour of sleep." len then proceeded to show rin the imbecilic video. her reaction was "you blithering idiot" "do you actually think any idiot would watch this shitty 10 second long video. len went "its the fucking internet some person behind a screen on the other side of the world will watch it". the next day len woke up and found out that he was being chased by the entire fucking japanese police force for stealing a stupid ring doorbell and went "oh shit. im being chased by the entire fucking japanese police force" he jumped out the window and headed for miku's house. he kicked down the front door and went "oi miku im being chased by the entire fucking japanese police force help me." and miku went. "we got a number one victory royale yeah fortnite we bout to get down" and len went "YOU FUCKING MANIAC THIS ISNT THE TIME TO BE SINGING FUCKING CHUG JUG YOU IDIOTIC AND OVERRATED VOCALOID" miku then leaked len's location to the police and len went "i am never being in any of your songs again" he then stole miku's hidden stash of prosecco, drank it all and headed for america. he then jumped onto the side of elon musks big rocket to mars and froze to death in space. his body then fell to the earth and he was unfrozened mid air and he was like "THE FUCK IS GOING ON IM FALLING THROUGH THE STRATOSPHERE AND IM ABOUT TO SMACK STRAIGHT INTO THE GROUND AAAAAAAAAAAA" he smashed through kaito's roof. at that moment kaito had just ran to africa to find an ice cream van. when kaito arrived he was like "what the heck are you doing underneath my broken roof len" len replied with "i have just fallen through the stratosphere and i think i've broken every bone in my body." peso from the octonauts then did a switch between two dimensions and went "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" "YOU NEED A BANDAGE" and then proceeded to mummify len in half a second because thats how octonauts logic works. len was then hospitalised for the next 5 years on the octopod. when he recovered he found out that the vocaloid world was collapsing and did a shoft back to the octonauts world, ate some kelp biscuits and died of food poisoning. the end

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