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Kiyo POV

April. The school entrance ceremony. I rode the bus to school looking outside from my window, enjoying the peaceful moment of my life.

"Excuse me shouldn't you offer up your seat."

Ruining my peaceful moment a woman spoke up, asking a certain blonde boy to give up his seat to a old woman.

She kept on asking but the boy shut her down with perfect counterattacks.

I was getting more and more irritated as I wished to enjoy some time in peace. When I thought that the pointless argument was over and I could enjoy my peace another girl spoke up to ruin it.

"I think I agree with the woman."

She tried to convince the boy to give up his seat but he made a point that it being a priority seat shouldn't be an issue if he was to give up the seat for 'contributing to society'.

I'm impressed with how the boy didn't lose his ground even when confronted by multiple people, he didn't lose his cool and kept on giving calculated and precise response. While most people will argue that he was sounding rather rude. I believe that it wasn't the case, being more than 10 years older than the boy the woman still was inferior to the boy, at the very least in conversational skills if nothing else.

The girl then looked at everyone in the bus and spoke up not willing to give up.

"Everyone please listen, is anyone willing to give up their seat to this old woman. It doesn't matter who please someone!"

I looked around the bus to see if there was anyone willing. Most people looked elsewhere acting as if they didn't hear the girls plea while a certain girl looked at the event happening in front of her with a stern look, her eyes not wavering. Our gazes met and I was able to tell that she wasn't going to give up her seat.

Usually I wouldn't do such an action but the situation didn't look like it would get any better so I raised myself from the seat and spoke up.

"You can have my seat."

Hearing my cold voice some people looked shocked, they probably thought of me as a cold person who wouldnt do such an act of kindness. Well they were half right, if it wasn't for the fact that I was getting irritated by the situation I wouldn't have given up my seat.

The girl led the old woman to the now empty seat and I went towards the back of the bus and held onto a handle, hoping that I would be ale to stand in peace here atleast until the bus comes to the stop. But the girl from earlier came upto me ruining my peace for the 3rd time this morning.

"Thank you for giving up your seat, I don't know what would have happened if you didn't give up the seat."

What would've happened? It's not like the old woman would've died if I didn't gave up my seat... Probably.

"Don't worry about it, the situation has been resolved now." I replied hoping to end our conversation but seems like the girl has some other plans.

"But still thank you, My name is Kushida nice to meet you umm?"

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka nice to meet you." I said as I finally looked at her. She was cute, one of the cutest I've ever seen if I'm being honest.

She seemed a bit surprised after looking in my eyes but kept on staring at them. I was a bit surprised that she was able to stare at them for so long. Maybe she just spaelced out?

Well works for me, as the conversation finally ended and I rode the bus in peace for the next 2 minutes before it came to my stop.

Kushida POV

I went to thank the guy who gave up his seat, I was taken back a bit due to his cold voice but shrugged it off.

When he turned towards me, I looked into his eyes, the golden eyes filled with darkness, normally people would be scared looking at them but I was mesmerized as I kept on looking into them as they seemed to suck my soul, I felt like I would drown if I kept on looking at them he finally looked away uninterested. As I realise that I stared at him without speaking. Feeling embarrassed I looked away as the bus arrived and I quickly got off.

Kiyo POV

As I got off the bus, I saw the gate in front of me. I was about to take my courageous first step but-


Someone interrupted my precious moment, I felt a bit frustrated but shrugged it off as I just rotate my neck and look behind me with one eye to see the same girl which I saw back in the bus.

As I looked at her she gulped in fear before recovering and continued.

"You were looking at me. Why?" she asked.

Did she really ruined my precious moment for this shit of a question. I felt my eyebrows twitch a bit before I spoke in my usual cold tone.

"Because God gave me eyes to look at my surroundings, and you were present in my surrounding. Although now I really wish you weren't."

As I said this she began to shiver a bit but soon managed to compose herself.

"Y-you! I hate stuck up people like you. Don't you dare look at me again." she said but her voice was now much weaker.

I turned around and walked a bit towards her. While gazing into her eyes.

She looked even more scared than before and a bit of sweat was visible on her forehead.

"I'm sorry but what part of my face tells you that I care about if you hate me or not, moreover you're the one who came over and talked to me. And I'll look at you all I want if you have a problem keep it to your pathetic self."

I knew that I was being rude but I couldn't care less, since the morning I was getting my peaceful life ruined. Her utterly stupid question just added to my frustration.

The girl was so shocked that she froze up in her face and lowered her head a bit.

I just turned around and started walking towards where the entrance ceremony was supposed to take place.

Due to the argument I had with the girl I was one of the last students to come in. I looked for my class's line and went in the back while waiting for the last few people to arrive.

Horikita POV

As I was reading my book a woman asked a boy to give up his seat, they argued for some time. After which a girl with short beige hair asked for someone to give up their seat. Seeing no point in doing so I looked around to see a boy with brown hair and golden eyes staring at me. It made me feel a bit uncomfortable, he averted his eyes and stood up.

I was a bit shocked hearing his cold yet calm voice. I thought about confronting him after we get off the bus.

A couple minutes later when we got off I saw him looking at the gate, he was about to move when I called him out he rotated his neck and looked at me with a uninterested look,  I unintentionally gulped as I looked into his eyes, but soon regained my composure and asked him why he was looking at me in the bus.

Hearing his rude reply I was scared and furious at the same time, he spoke as if he was superior than me.

I told him to never look at me again, to which he walked towards me staring into my eyes with his cold gaze piercing through my soul. He spoke in an even more cold voice as if looking at something worthless. As he spoke he turned around leaving me here.

I was terrified, in all my life I have never seen a person colder and scarier than him. Even my Nii-San looked kind in front of him.

I got rid of these thoughts as I moved towards the entrance ceremony hoping not to see the boy again.

So here's the prologue Chan for the ScaryKouji,

I hope you enjoyed reading.

Till the next chapter


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