Part 15- No...& why are you here!?

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We have new people to join today or yesterday..:D

ME_CRAZY2 is (Tig or Death)
ToxicWhitty is (Toxic)
Anonim67891 is (Anonim)? I guess..:^

Anyway hope you guys enjoy and like it!

[💤]{=-:Classic Sans POV:-=}[💙]

I say to him...

what do I say??...hmm idk about this but. i just want to be alone for a bit and leave this place.
Should I say No? or yes?..ugh! Fine.
I shake my head slowly with a 'NO'

Classic(Wolf): ...*shakes head*...

Music look at me a sad face. He looked away from me and say

Music: oh...well, that's fine. But also
I can see that you don't want to play with us. I mean like, do you need to be alone for a moment?

I look at him surprise. I start to staring at Music for a moment..thinking for something to say but even though I can't talk cause I turn into a wolf ya know..-_-"
Music look at me like a waiting for my answer for a while. He started to talk first before me.

Music: Classic?-

I notice he said my name and I noded fast like a turtle-neck BOI-

Music: ok! ok! ..i see why. *smiles*

He smiles at me a little bit smile.
I smile back. Music started to pet me on my wolf fluffy head.
I notice that, Kin and Fresh in the background watching us.

Classic(wolf): ō-ó?...

Music look at me confused what am I looking at. He look around and notice.

Music: ô-ó?...what?

Kin was looking at me and look at back to Music and look at me back again.
Same as Fresh.

Kin: :0....

Fresh: BrUh..B0

Music: what?, What's the matter of peting classic's head?

Fresh & Kin: Nothin'...:0

Music: ok then..-_-'

Music turn to look at me on the face
and he stops peting me on the head.
I look at him like...'hm?.'

Music: we should go inside the, will you come with us?

I start to think but..i almost forgot that
I should leave this place.
I shake my head again as a 'NO'
Music was a bit confuse why..

Music: ok then..we'll leave you alone on here.

Music stands up. Cross arms in front of me

Music: see you later Classic! ^^

Fresh, Kin and Music leave/left already
So that means.......i should be going home now! :D yet..
I turn around looking around over me.
I saw a open door from outside.. But wait....did someone forgot to close that door? I's still a good news right?
I run slowly walking towards the open door from outside.
I walk in and look from behind me
making sure if there's no one saw me.
I look in front and start running awayyyy!

I turn transformed back to normal skeleton. I breathe heavily happy

Classic: I'm finally free!! :'D

I sigh. look behind from me and turn front of me. Start walking away far from the house. I hear couple of noise...
It was from the tree behind it.
I may think it was Darkness again or something or someone else..
I walk towards it and open it wide
Notice it was...

Classic: YOU GUYS!!?...

It was Toxic and Tig. They both look surprised...

Toxic: oh hi...:]

Tig: hello classic!..:)"

I was surprised and shocked a little more shocked and surprised...
I sigh and look at them

Classic: why are you here!?..

They were nothing to say but...Toxic say it first....

Toxic: well.....


What will Toxic sat to Classi?

Why are they both here for?

Let's Fine Out!!!

(577 words)

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