"What. The. Fuck," Sapnap said, utter shock riddling his voice.

"You didn't know about this!?" I asked.

"Not a thing. This is what Dream must've been doing when he went out," Sapnap explained, as I listened intently. "He would leave, and every time we asked him what he was doing, he said 'it's private.'"

"Sappy, why- me?" I asked him, confusion present in my tone.

"Dream has talked about a mystery girl, but it seems like you weren't such a mystery," he exclaimed, flipping the folder shut, "Your name is on the front."

"Lorelei "Lor" Blade," I read out, Not knowing how to process any of this. We heard footsteps coming closer to the door, so we both blocked the folder with our bodies. Soon enough, we saw a familiar white masked man standing in the doorway.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Dream asked defensively, as he walked closer to us. Sapnap and I shifted closer together, me now standing up.

"Move," His voice filled with venom. He parted the two of us, and looked down at the desk.

Lorelei "Lor" Blade

He unclasped his mask, letting it fall onto the desk. He turned to face me, a horrified look present on his face. I just laughed.

"You know, you could have just come up to me and said 'hi'," I breathed, bursting into a fit of laughter. Sapnap giggled at my laugh, causing George to stride into the room.

"What's all the commotion in he-" He looked at me, to Sapnap, to Dream. I was still laughing my ass off with Sapnap, while Dream stood there embarrassed. "What did you do, Dream?" George asked as I caught my breath.

"Honestly, it's nothing..." Dream said, scratching the back of his neck.

"No, no, it definitely is something," I breathed, "Honestly at first I thought it was creepy, and I was scared. But I had just now processed it, looking at Dream's face, and it just clicked. Dream is obsessed with me," I started laughing again.

"I- no I'm not- Well..." I laughed even harder at this. I got up off of my sitting position in the bed and walked in between Dream and Sapnap. I threw my arms around Dream's neck, as he flinched.

"Aww, Dreamie, I think it's cute," I smiled at him. I'm pretty sure that was the voices talking for me, because in reality, I'd be terrified. Dream flicked his fingers, signalling for the two other boys to leave. They did, closing the door behind them.

"Lor, I'm sorry you had to see that..." Dream told me, sorrow laced in his voice.

"Dream, it's honestly fine. I've actually been keeping an eye on you as well," I confessed.

"W-what? Why me?"

"You were just so intriguing to me. I guess I'm drawn to mystery," I said nonchalantly.

"Lorelei," Dream said.

"Dream," I mock, laughing a little bit.

"My obsession with you... Isn't healthy." Dream looked down into my eyes.

"It's ok Dream, I'm kinda stuck here for the time being. Oh by the way, what did Wilbur want?" I asked genuinely.

"He wants his independence for his country, and he wants you back. He came to make a deal," He answered.

"Well, what was the deal?"

"The one I proposed, or the one he did, or rather Tommy did?"

"Let's start with Wilbur's, or Tommy."

"Tommy told me he would give me one of his music discs for your freedom and the independence of Manburg. Mellohi if you're wondering which disc."

"That's Tommy's favorite disc, I didn't know I meant that much. And yours?" I exclaimed, invested in the conversation.

"Well, I'm obviously not giving you up, so I told him he can keep the disc, and I'll grant them independence and I get to keep you." He said, a hint of worry in his voice. "They didn't accept my offer, so we're going to war." He mumbled something under his breath after he finished his speech.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I said, Tommy got mad at my proposal, so of course he lashed out. He started screaming, and he gave himself an impossible task. A one versus one bow duel, me and him. If he wins, Manburg gets granted independence from Dream SMP territory, and they get you back. If I win, I get to keep you, BOTH Tommy's precious discs, and Manburg does not gain independence."

My face dropped.

"Dream, he's just a kid. You can't! Please tell me you didn't accept this offer!" I became frantic, knowing my best friend may very well be dead.

[Word Count: 1464]

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