9. fireworks

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hey y'all i'm back lol
i had a shit ton of school work and i also had writers block so yeah that sucks

but i'm updating now so enjoy!

Julie's POV:

me and luke were hanging out writing songs like always

he's always trying to tell me memories of us and the band to see if i will start to remember anything
he starts off every memory with

don't you remember

like anytime i read those words i hear luke's voice and it's getting annoying

but on a more serious note

i feel like i'm loosing flynn as my best friend
she's mad that i hang out with carrie a lot and flynn refuses to be friends with carrie again

i don't remember much but from what i've been told, me and carrie have a rougher past than flynn and carrie

so back to me and luke

"we're soaring flying..." luke sings

ever since i made luke watch all three high school musical movies, he's been obsessed and it's so cute

oh i forgot to mention

my crush on luke has gotten worse.

like i don't even think it's a crush anymore

"you are so obsessed with that movie" i tell him
"what it's a good movie" he responds back
"for someone who was born in the 80's you are really obsessed with a movie from my time" i say
"hey you make it sound like i'm old, i'm still 17" he says offended
"you're technically 43 but whatever you say" i say laughing

then he starts humming a song i've never heard before

"hey what's that song you were singing?" i ask
"oh it's something i wrote a few weeks ago" he replies
"can i hear it?" i ask
"oh um, sure i guess"

he sits at the piano and starts playing

wait, since when can he play the piano?

guys who play piano are so hot

"this is a song i wrote called heaven is you" he tells me

i always heard there was a heaven
i never knew if it was true
but darling ever since i met you
i knew that heaven is you, heaven is you...

"wow that was really good! who's it about?" i ask
"um it's about no one?" he says nervously grabbing his papers
"no one huh? you wrote a long song about no one?" i say
"yup, exactly that" he says
"that kinda sucks, i was hoping it would be about someone"
"i'll tell you who it's about if, you tell me if you hope it's about you" he says moving his eyes over to my lips
"what if i told you i do hope it's about me" i say leaning closer to his lips

"then i'd do this"

then he kisses me

absolute fucking fireworks

ahh here's chapter 9!

i had to some how incorporate joshua bassett into this book cause i'm in love with him

i hope you enjoyed!

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