8. the truth

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theeee truthhhh is finallyyyy breaking throughhhh- i'll stop

anyways enjoy the chapter

Carries POV:

i've been having a lot of fun being friends with julie and flynn again but my dads strange behavior hasn't gotten much better

he's always talking to someone who isn't there
i can never seem to be able to find out who it is

the only thing that has really caught my attention was a name
it was definitely a last name because i heard my dad call him mr

mr covington

the next day my dad is out of town on a business trip to somewhere

i go in his office to see if i can find anything that could help me

then i saw a note under another note

it read
hollywood ghost club 11:45 sharp

hollywood what now?

ghost club? haha funny. ghosts aren't real


i first i didn't believe it
but i was curious

so now it's later that night i'm going to follow him to this club

i've been following my dad around town for what felt like forever but it has only been about ten minutes

then he stops

he stops at that old creepy hotel

not the hotel cecil

the other creepy one in the middle of nowhere

i follow him into the hotel and we eventually stop at an area that has sign
the sign reads

hollywood ghost club

so this is the club that was written down on that note

i continue to follow him in and then he stops and greets someone

probably that covington guy
i didn't catch his first name

then i heard a voice, it wasn't my dad's

"so i see julie molina is still performing with her band"

why is this guy talking with my dad about julie and her band?

"i don't know why, she's isn't supposed to remember anything"

that was my dad's voice

why wasn't julie supposed to remember anything?

"you do remember why we had to have julie forget her band right?"

that caleb guys says

what the hell is going on here

"so you can have julie's band mates under your control"

why does this caleb guy want julie's band mates? they live in sweden

"yes exactly. and i believe. your reasoning is because her band is taking your spotlight and your daughter's too"

my dad hasn't had a good song in the past 7 years. his career is already going downhill and mine? i never wanted to even do that stupid singing pop crap

yeah it can be fun but i enjoy dancing more.

"uh yes sir. and i'm sorry i don't know what happened. maybe someone told her about her band?"

"oh yes i forgot, those band mates of hers live in her studio they probably told her everything"

haha funny, everyone knows julie's band mates live in sweden. or i think.

"what should we do about this?"

"i say we wipe everyone's memories of anything julie and the phantoms"

WHAT? erase the memory of julie's band from everyone
not on my watch

i walk out from where i was hiding slow clapping

"sorry dad, dads friend, i hate to interrupt your little date here but you've been caught" i come out and say
"carrie sweetie, what are you doing here?" my dad asks me
"you've been acting very suspicious lately so i decided to get to the bottom of this" i say

my dad sits there shocked

"i also know that you wiped julie's memory of her band" i say pointing at caleb
"woah little girl, i did what is best for everyone" he says

i wanted to slap the life out of him
so i did

and my hand went right through him

"oh sorry sweetie, you can't slap ghosts" caleb tells me

ghosts? what?

ghosts aren't real


go stream deja vu by olivia rodrigo

have a great day byeeeee

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