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"WINTER HURRY THE FUCK UP" my brother, Leo yelled. "IM FUCKING COMING DONT YELL AT ME DUMBASS" I rolled my eyes and hurried up. Can he be any annoying-er?. Not to mention, I'm going with his dumbass friends. They're all obsessed with playing video games and shit. I play video games too but I like to skate more. My mom made me go with him cause she said 'you need to find yourself a nice man before you die alone' I hate that.

I said I'll go with one condition, and it's that I get to bring my best friend, Avani. We've been friends since middle school.

I get my skate board, keys, wallet and put it in my mini bag. I run downstairs and see a fine man. Holy shit who is that. "Hi" I waved. "Oh, hey I'm Vinnie Hacker. I assume your Leo's sister right?" He says. I nod. "Speaking of which, where is he?" I say. "Oh he went to pick up his friend and avani since he said u were taking a long time. He just left so, he'll be back in a long time." He says. I chuckle.


Me and Vinnie get to know eachother very well. He likes almost the same things as me. We exchanged numbers and kept talking. "Geez they're taking so fucking long" I groan. "Do you want to go skating?" I asked. "Yeah but I didn't bring my skateboard" he says. "Oh it's fine, I have a few, follow me" and I led him to my room. "Just choose whichever one you like, I really don't care" I say. He grabs a skateboard and we leave.

-we skate for god knows how long-

"Do you think they left us here" Vinnie says. I shrug. "Probably"

I FaceTime Leo

"Did you leave us here motherfucker" I say
"Oh that's what I was forgetting. I can go pick y'all up?" He says
"Nah it's all good, we're skating" I say and he nods.
I hang up and roll my eyes. "I swear you can't trust him with responsibilities" I laugh. I catch him staring at me. "What's wrong?" I say. "Oh uh it's uh nothing" he says. I put my hand on his back. "You know, we only met today but, ur pretty cool to be my brother's friend, mostly all of his friends are dickheads who don't know what a women's titties are. But ur actually pretty cool." I smile. He smiles back. "You know, i'm gonna leave soon to go to LA." he says. "Really? You live in LA? That's cool. I've always wanted to live there or in Paris. Those are my life goals." I say. "One day you'll get there" he says smiling. I look at him in the eyes, also smiling. I don't know why but, there's passion between us. Yes, we did meet today but i can sense it. "Uh, we should get going" i say chuckling. "Yeah, right. Can we go back to urs? I forgot something there." "Yeah sure, i did too"

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