*One Shot* First Christmas

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There's going to be oneshots in here that correlates (big brain word) with the story. So here's one. (I posted this on Ao3 and forgot to do it here)

December had come along fast. Scrolling through the many posts on social media, you could see how much people went all out for the holiday. The two twins, who hadn't been out of the manor since there was no indication that they existed, was confused as to why there was such a big deal about this holiday.

"What's with the confused faces?" Grayson asked after he had come into the cave and seen them. Martha just pointed at the screen, seeing as it would indicate what she was talking about. "Christmas?" He asked, and he got a nod in return from Martha, while Damian just kept his focus on the screen.

"I don't see why people get their hopes up for this day." Damian commented out loud.

Grayson, raising his eyebrows, realized that the two children in front of him had never knew what Christmas was a holiday that most enjoyed. They sure as hell heard of it, but never experienced the great treasures that came with it.

Grayson explained the concept of it and what people did during the holiday. After the explanation, they thought that the people who didn't celebrate it for religion purposes were just using it as an excuse to get the things they wanted for free. Grayson had to explain that most people did it in exchange, usually in a group of friends or family. They give someone a gift and get one in return. Though it helped the reason, it didn't change their minds because not everyone in the world did that.

"We celebrate it every year. You're going to draw a name out a bowl and the person you get is the person you'll give a gift to. You're already going to get gifts from Santa, you just have to get this person a gift to see how much you care and know them." Grayson told them. Martha nodded while Damian grumbled something under his breath. But agreed nonetheless.

On the twenty fifth of December, Martha and Damian were woken up by Grayson coming into their rooms and dragging them out of bed. When he got them into the hallway, his pajamas had been scratched up. Claiming that he had to change, he told them to go into the main living room.

Martha took hold of Damian's hand and dragged him into the living room. When they got there, they saw the Christmas tree, which was empty the previous night, was filled with presents. All of them were different sizes and were wrapped with different colors.

Martha's eyes shined upon seeing the different types of wrapping paper, but her face was neutral.

Damian had sat down on the couch in the room. Martha followed suit, waiting for the rest of her family members to come down.

It wasn't long before someone was coming into the room. Practically stumbling down the stairs, Drake was walking down the stairs, drinking the coffee he had in hand. His eyes were closed, savoring the drink, so he couldn't see where he was walking. By the time he made it down, he was immediately drawn to the couch. Sitting down, he practically melted into his seat.

"Did you even sleep last night?" A voice ran through the air. Grayson's He looked at his sleep deprived brother and took a guess at the answer.

Drake just shook his head, muttering something about solving an old case. No one paid attention to him afterwards.

Bruce entered the room next, in his usual business attire, unsurprisingly. He sat down in his usual seat in the living room. Once he had sat down, Alfred was in the room from who knows where.

"Now that all the Masters and Mistress," Martha's lips had turned upwards. "Are here, I suppose we can start giving out the presents you got for Secret Santa." Alfred told them.

They all got from where they were and went to the tree. Digging through the pile of presents under it, they each found the one they got, giving it to the person it was for. Damian gave his to Grayson, and Grayson gave his to Damian. Martha gave hers to Tim, while Tim gave his to Martha.

Simultaneously, they all opened their presents from one another. Grayson had gotten a painted picture of him and Kor'i, which Damian had gotten from Grayson's phone. "Thanks brat." Grayson told him. Damian rolled his eyes in return.

Damian had gotten a specific katana that Grayson had seen him eyeing on the internet a while ago. Instead of saying thanks, he announced that it was acceptable. He had gotten his hair ruffled in return, which resulted in him slapping Grayson's hand away.

Martha had given Tim a coffee machine that was sure to make his coffee faster and better than the one had stored in his room at the manor. The gift caused Tim to put down his coffee and look at all the settings the machine had. Thanking Martha, or Maria in his words, profusely, he had to stop himself from taking it out and plugging it up.

Lastly, Martha had gotten a box from Tim. Opening it, she found herself to be disappointed in what was inside. In the box, there were some League of Assassins stars, batarangs, and some more weapons inside. Seeing as this was something that was more meant for Damian than for her, she looked up at him. Seeing as he didn't notice, Grayson asked for him to explain why he got her that.

"The brat and Maria are twins. Usually, twins have similar interests, so I got her something I knew the brat would like." He didn't notice the glare Alfred gave him.

Martha felt a pang of hurt in her heart and lowered her head down. She looked over it, and saw that there were different sets of fingerprints on the weapons. Some of the League of Assassins stars had dried blood on it. She came to the conclusion that everything was used and was just lying around the manor. Unknowingly, a tear fell out of her eye. Upon seeing his sister cry, Damian glared at Drake.

Alfred, after seeing everything unfold, decided it was time to open everything under the tree. Separating everything into a pile for everyone in the room, three were surprised over how much everyone had.

Seeing as it was his first Christmas there, it was no surprise that Damian was the one with the most gifts. What was surprising was that Martha had a much smaller pile than Damian did. Only one gift from the pile wasn't from Grayson, Damian, and Alfred.

Opening her gifts, Martha found that she liked the gifts from Grayson, Damian, and Alfred. Grayson had given her an iPad, along with an Apple Pencil. Seeing as he found out that she liked to design things, he had given her an iPad so that she could do the same, but only not have it lost as easily. Damian, just like Grayson, had given her a painting, but multiple drawings as well. Alfred had given her a recipe book of her own, including different materials needed when baking/cooking. When seeing that, she flashed them with the brightest smile they had ever seen. Seeing as she really didn't smile a lot, it was shocking to find that her smiles were so bright.

Opening Bruce's gift, she found that he had given her multiple gift cards, along with a note. The note had said that she had ten thousand dollars in total on the gift cards and that she could spend it how she wanted.

Upon reading it, Martha stood up and walked out of the room. Going through a series of hallways, she walked to her room.

Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes, but she wiped them off before they could. She didn't know why she thought her father or her brother, the ones who she barely spend time with, would know what to give her for Christmas. One didn't even know her name while the other didn't acknowledge her existence. She thought herself to be idiotic to think such things, and for her to practically cry over it.

Going to her bathroom and looking at herself in the mirror, she thought of some of the memories that brought her joy. Calming down, she took a shaky breath in. Maybe, next year will be different.

If only she knew she wouldn't be there next year.

Martha (Marinette) WayneWhere stories live. Discover now