The journey to the Forbidden Land 

Start from the beginning

Zoey what are you saying girl said Angela. Zoey pointed to her watch she wanted her to their is a dog translator it helps dogs to communicate with humans so they can understand what they are saying. Oh guys look I have a dog translator button on my watch Angela said. So Angela pushed the button and then Zoey started to talk like a human. Team I might have a suggestion how to get to the island said Zoey with this. Zoey revealed the Super Level Six Jumbo Jet with the ability to become invisible to anyone and to anyone inside it. Wow that's a jet all right it's even got all of our team colors on it said Brett. Tyler you must choose who is going to fly it the choice is yours and yours alone so who are you going to pick? asked Zoey. Before I make my decision just remember I love you all equally and this isn't base off of who I known longer or anything like that so the super hero I choose is Winston. Winston was excited and happy. Winston as pilot of this jet you are responsible for our safety to our destination and now you have to choose a co pilot. Ok I'll do that I pick Brett because as you all remember we are the bros. Ok you two here are your pilot and co pilot pens Zoey said as she gave the jumbo jet wing pens,Ok everyone are we ready to go get our friend back? YES they all said and they went in the jet and then were off to save their friend a few hours past things were going quite nicely but then Zoey looked over at Angela, it seem liked something was bothering her so Zoey the loyal dog she is walked over to Angela and nudged at her leg, Angela looked up and said Oh hey Zoey how are you doing on this fine evening? Zoey looked deep into her eyes because she knew what was really going on and she also knew that she was crying because she was worried that friend was in real danger. Angela you don't have to put on a brave face for me because I'm just as worried about Kaycee as you are if it hadn't been for her would be at the pound still. She is my whole world I love her as a owner and a human being Zoey said as Angela picked her up and put her into her lap, You know Angela you and Tyler were there when she got me from the shelter I was in the verge of being put down but then she adopted me and took me in I loved her ever since but then she went to football practice then those two big guys came and kidnapped her I wanted to fight them I should have but she trained me not to bite anyone I knew I had to help her luckily I know where you and Tyler live so that's why I came to your house that night. Just then Zoey started to cry. I feel awful I should have fought those bad men off but I didn't, this is all my fault that my friend and owner was kidnapped by them. Oh Zoey this is no where near your fault you were doing what Kaycee trained you to do and I'm sure that Kaycee is proud of you for that, look we are landing Angela said well that's enough talking will get Kaycee back in the morning but for right now get some rest you'll feel better in the morning she said as got up walked to her bed then Angela went to sleep along with the rest of the team, Zoey couldn't sleep that night she knew what she had to do, she had to rescue Kaycee with or without the rest of the team because she still felt like she is responsible for this whole mess so she decided to go out and get Kaycee herself she knew the way she had the map on her high tech collar that has her location on it. Then she realized that it was getting late so she found a tree with a big hole in the middle so she settled down for the night. The next morning Angela woke up stretched a little and got out of bed and said Zoey wake up it's time to get up, Zoey wake up. Angela moved the bed covers and realized that Zoey was gone, Zoey where are you Angela shouted shouted so loud that the rest of the team woke up what is with all the shouting wait a minute something is wrong here where is Zoey Angela asked Rachel, as the rest of the team came into the jumbo jet cabin what's going on what's wrong Tyler asked well I think I know where is Zoey Angela said she went to rescue Kaycee why would she do that asked Winston because she was feeling guilty look here is a video recording, play it please Angela requested Tyler play the recording Zoey's face appeared greetings my friends by the time you watch this I'll already be on my way to help my friend and owner I might be risking my life and yes I'm aware of the dangers of that but promise me won't come after me because it's all my fault that you all are in this mess in the first place so with that being said thank you for being good friends with me especially Tyler and Angela if I hadn't shown up to your house you wouldn't know that Kaycee is in trouble so thank you. Then Zoey face disappeared Tyler was even now more determined then ever to help his friends so he decided to lead the rest of the team ok everyone let's go help our friend ready everyone let's unite. So everyone got in a circle put their magic rings together then a bolt of light a clap of thunder and together they united as one and became the Super Level Six Alliance to the rescue. Ok everyone now that we united let's go get our friends back Tyler said as he flew away ok everyone said. meanwhile Zoey walked on as she continued her journey to rescue Kaycee alone short time later she reached her destination then she saw the guards so she hid behind a bush to make sure they didn't see her what's that said one of the guards where said the other guard as they walked over to the bush where Zoey was hiding just then Zoey managed to make herself invisible. I don't see anything let's go back and see what the boss wants us to do with the prisoner said the guardsmen whose name was fickle but captain I thought the boss was only using her as bait because the rest of the Super Level Six alliance would have to rescue her. Said the other guardsmen whose name was Bucky, right but without the whole team it isn't a super level six with just five and some of their powers don't work without her and if they do that they'll use up all of their life force which means they'll die unless they surrender and give up there powers and they'll be our prisoners forever remember said fickle oh yeah well we better see what the boss wants to do next. Ok said Bucky so off they went. Just then Zoey reappeared she felt more strong minded then ever to rescue Kaycee then she ever did the night before so she walked on she found a something it was a hole so her doggy instincts told her to dig so that's what she did. Meanwhile the Super Level Six Alliance continued to find Zoey but something wasn't sitting right with Rachel, like her senses were tingling Rachel what's up said Brett I don't know my senses are tingling I think their telling me something I don't know what it is said Rachel. Just then Brett stepped on a snare trap that hoisted him upside down everyone don't step on the snare traps said the beefcake aka Brett. Just then the LifeGuardian aka Tyler step one then one by one were upside down they realized that this is where the bird monster Territory then the bird monsters came and said well well what do we have here said one of the bird monsters as she looked at the LifeGuardian. Are you one of those guys who took our princess. No we're not. Said the LifeGuardian actually we are the Super Level Six Alliance and the reason why we are out here is because we are rescuing one of our own if you let us go we will be on our way . Said the Wrathlete aka Angela. Whoa hello gorgeous said the bird monster and why should we let a precious fair little maiden like you be out here where it is dangerous. Hey I'll you guys a deal if you let us down and go free said the LifeGuardian well I don't know if we do will you promise to bring back our princess said the bird monster king. Yes said twinston aka Winston. Ok we'll let you go, Guard release these super heroes and the guard released all of them. And they continued on their way towards the castle where their friend was being held prisoner. Meanwhile Zoey continued to dig and dig until she broke through and found a tunnel to leading towards the castle she went into the tunnel, as she walked on just then her blue sparkling bandanna Angela gave her Got caught on a tree root. She tried to get free but it was no use the tree root was in too deep into the bandanna so she laid down and waited and hopes that her friends would come and free her. Meanwhile the rest of the Level Six team continued to walk on just then Angela saw Some paw prints and she automatically knew who they belonged to. Tyler come here I found some paw prints. Tyler and the team walked over to Angela and said Angela is right these prints belong to Zoey so she left them here to let us know where to go to let's follow them. So that's what they did while they were walking they found some more paw prints  so they kept walking eventually they found a tunnel that lead to the forbidden castle.

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