Thomas and Lilibet left Arthur's office, they looked at each other and nodded, reading each others mind that they need a drink to wash all that down, it was a strange unofficial gift that they had, they knew what each other were thinking ninety-nine percent of the time which scared the rest of their family, not knowing how much trouble they could cause with that gift.  Arthur believes it's a curse with all the chinese dealings they take part in.

The two Shelbys walked to The Garrison, everyone passing saying 'Hello' out of fear more then being polite. They opened the doors to the pub they knew all too well and went up to the bar ordering two whiskeys, out of the corner of her eye she spots Freddie Thorne with some other communists sat in the corner enjoying some drinks. She never had a problem with the man she used to look at like a brother, but sometimes his mouth ran away with him and she wanted to sew his lips together.

"Uh-oh I sense trouble" She sings sarcastically to Tommy, confused to why she's said that he looks around the room to see his ex-bestfriend making his way over to them ordering a drink at the bar. The three staying quiet until Freddie breaks the silence.

"Cheers, Elizabeth, Thomas good health to ye" He says sipping out of his beer. "My friends sister, works at the BSA, she says over the past week they've had messages coming up from London to the bass, from Winston Churchill himself, something about a robbery, a robbery of 'national significance' they said. She found a list of names on the telegraph machine, and ours were there together, what kind of list would have a bookmaker and a communist side by side?" he says to Thomas.

"Perhaps it's a list of men who give false hope to the poor" Tommy says.

"The only difference between you and my brother, is sometimes our horses have chances of winning." Lilibet chimes in, not liking the way Freddie was speaking. She remembers when she was six and they were eighteen, the two had come back to the Shelby house from a night by the cut, she was still awake waiting for Tommy to tuck her in and read her a story like he always did but Tommy was too tired to do that one night, so Freddie did and he told her a story about how a princess name Lilibet had the biggest and best castle among the whole land, but she let it get to her head and lost it all. That has always stuck with the girl, reminding her to never forget what she came from and who she came from.

She was interrupted from her daydreams as someone came running into the pub, pushing over tables, shattering glasses and screaming. She quickly realised it was Danny Whizzbang having one of his episodes from France, the three rushed to calm him down and tell him it was okay and he's at home now.  Elizabeth always loved Danny, he knew the Shelby's since when he was her age and he always bought her sweets when he saw her in Charlie's yard or The Garrison with her brothers.

"Mr. Shelby you've got to do something about him" Harry says annoyed at the comerade for messing his pub up.

"Damn right Harry, you pay the Peaky Blinders a lot of money for protection, you two are the law around here now, aren't you. Maybe you should put a bullet in Danny Whiz-bangs head like they do with mad horses" Freddie says looking straight at Lilibet knowing she'd have something to say. The two siblings start to walk out but the younger stays behind.

"Maybe my brothers will put a bullet in your head if they found out you were fucking their sister, dont you?" She tells the communist "or maybe even me" She walks away leaving him shocked about how confident his 'little sister' has gotten since he last saw her. Catching up to her brother who walks unsually fast

"What dya think this is about?" She asks, her soft Birmingham accent clear.

"I don't know, but he won't be happy when he knows we were talking to Moss earlier on" He tells his little sister. Worried about her as she's not the same Lilibet he left but didn't look too much into her different attitude as they had all changed during the war, but little did he know she was having her own war inside of her head.

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