Let the game Begin.

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"OKAY, I'M PREPARED FOR THIS. KARKAT, YOU'RE VERY READY, YOU CAN DO THIS." I give myself a little pep talk. "DON'T CHICKEN OUT LAST SECOND, AND YOU'LL BE FINE." I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jeans and walked into Dave's Basement, typical, since these games mostly happen in basements, pssh, of course Dave had to make it traditional. Anyways, I bolted down the stairs to see everyone. "WOW, WHAT A CROWD." I groaned, Terezi sat alone, usually she's sitting near Tavros, strange. Before anyone could do anything I plopped down next to Her, hiding an on-coming smile that was appearing on my cheeks. She just sighed. I put a hand on her shoulder. "WHATS WRONG?!" I asked, inching closer to her slowly. She put hands on her cheeks, Huffing loudly. "ITS JUST-" she stopped, But why? I was about to speak up when Dave finally approached the table where the bottle was suppose to be set up. "Ready for some spin the bottle?" He raised his eyebrow, some trolls and humans groaned, some cheered, I pretended not to smile, as I moved a bit closer to Terezi. "HOW DOES THIS GAME WORK?" I shouted, Dave growled and explained that someone spins a bottle, and whoever it lands on they either have to hug if Morials or Kismesises, Kiss if In the Grey Quadrant or Flushed Quadrant. That sounds simple. ". . .but wait!" He shouted. "You can't control where the bottle lands." He smirked, I put a hand on my face. "GREAT NEWS." I groaned. Terezi flashed a happy look at me. Which automatically made me smile, Dave smirked even wider and kept quiet. "Any volunteers?" Dave asked, holding the bottle out in the air. "I'll Spin." Kanaya offered, she always does. Ugh, anyway, she spun it and guess who it landed on? Tavros. Gamzee Growled under his breath, he was Flushed for Tavros, anyways. She brushed his lips and sat back down, he blushed his fudge color or whatever blood he had and he spun, it felt as if it went on for ages. It finally landed on me. Guess who it was? Aradia. I groaned, as she moved towards me. "C'mon Mr.Vantas." She tapped her fingers. "If you kiss me, it'll be over quick." I think she was just as pissed as I was. I gave her a quick brush on the lips and it was my Turn to spin. I spun it and bit my lip. I'm defiantly not kissing Vriska AGAIN. Anyhow, It landed on, T-Terezi. "UH-" "SHUT UP BOY 4ND K1SS M3.~" she replied, I didn't hesitate, I gripped her by the shirt and kissed her deeply, and intently, I could tell by her body heat, she was enjoying it. I guess I turned really red, because everyone was staring at me strange. I pulled away and gasped for breath, and so did she. "IT'S YOUR TURN TO SPIN, TEZ." I passed her the bottle, and she did as so. Two hours later, we had finished. It was really great. Now time to dance, It'll be complete if I get her to dance with me also, and maybe, just maybe, I'll fill the red quadrant with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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