Eventually they fall into silence, which is Yoongi's cue to do the formal introductions.

"Jungkook is a close friend," he says to Hoseok, who hums curiously. "We met at a corporate gala. I was there to make a song deal with his company for an advertisement. You were just hired, right?" 

"Yup, it was my second month with them. I was lost in the event building and I ran into Yoongi hyung at a random corridor in the back," Jungkook snorts and the straw slips out of his mouth, leaving him poking his tongue on the air for some solid seconds. 

"He went nuts when he saw me," Yoongi shakes his head, dropping it low to scratch the back of his neck. "He apparently knew who I was and started screaming my discography at my face to prove he was a loyal fan."

Jungkook laughs in embarrassment. He knows he overdid it but listening to the story makes him sound like a total lunatic. 

"And at that moment he knew, that they were destined," Hoseok teases dramatically. 

"To be completely real, at first he looked like one of those boring office nerds. He was wearing this formal suit and had his hair all slicked and stuff. Then he started talking and his well-orchestrated front flew out the window. He followed me around all night. It was cute," Yoongi reminisces fondly. It makes Jungkook shy since he is not used to hearing Yoongi openly talk about him like that, but also because every speculation is on point. "We hang out since then."

The two nod mutually, smiles decorating their faces. 

It's Jungkook's turn to be enlightened.

Yoongi and Hoseok seem to be aware but they are hesitating, and it's so blaringly obvious that Jungkook has to keep tabs on his sip to avoid choking. Hoseok's trying to convey something to Yoongi with his eyes, and Yoongi is trying to mouth a response without moving his lips. It's the most ridiculous thing Jungkook has seen.

Then Yoongi spontaneously goes for it. 

"Hoseok is my brother."

Jungkook spits his drink on Hoseok's shirt. 


"I'm so fucking sorry," he jumps out of his as fast as he can, hwaiting coffee or whatever the name dripping down his chin as he scurries through the kitchen to find a paper towel. From the background he hears Yoongi announce he will go get Hoseok a new shirt and Hoseok announce that it's all good but he pays no mind to it because he has spotted the paper towel inside a cupboard so he grabs it with a loud uh-huh!, turns around enthusiastically—

And freezes in shock.

They are staring at a shirtless Hoseok, grinning without an ounce of shame. His chest is covered with black-and-white skull tattoos and sentences, extending all the way to his back where they seem to be connected to more tattoos. Fuck, Jungkook thinks, this is the brother that was in prison. 

"Besides, it's hot out, right?" Hoseok shrugs at Yoongi, who has his jaw dropped and cheeks tinted a deep shade of pink, standing aimlessly. Hoseok chuckles before turning his attention to Jungkook and urging him to hand the paper towel so that he can run it over his sculpted abs. There is no lie. 

Yoongi decides it's time to stop staring, apparently, but still scarred from the way he searches for his chair with his hands and makes himself sit on it. Jungkook too takes his seat, himself openly staring at the man's body.

"Cool tats," he ends up saying. It earns him an excited grin from Hoseok.

"Yeah? You like the skulls?"

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