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Hi Niall! I don't know if you remember me but I'm Paige

Of course I remember you
How are you?

Hiiii... To be honest I never thought you would remember me
I am great actually, thank you for asking

Of course I do
Me and Zayn were actually talking about you few days ago. We thought you forgot to inform us about your and Noah's relationship

You and Zayn were talking about me? I think I will faint
No I would never forget you, I said I would inform you I that matter and I will
That's why I wrote you, but I didn't think you would answer me. You have so much things to do and talking to me and my boring life isn't one of them

Well here I am!
And your life is not boring, maybe you haven't found your passion yet and the thing you want to do in the future

I think I found it
But I'm not sure

What is it and why aren't you sure?

I love dance and I think that that's what I want to do in the future
But I am afraid that the kids where I live will bully me for choosing dance as my career

Firstly, I am so proud for finding out what you want to do in the future
Secondly, dance is incredible. I may not be good at it, but I love to do silly dances, it's our favourite with Zayn
And lastly, you shouldn't care what other people will think about your choice

It's your life and you should be happy and proud you finally know hownyou want to spend it!

Thank you so much Niall
Once again you just proved me why you are my idol and inspiration ❤️

You making me blush

I'm making you blush?! Wow I feel special right now

How did you decided that dancing is what you want to do?

Well actually Noah made me understand it

Some college student from Julliard from the dance department had come to our school during a drama class and asked us if anyone wanted to dance with them and Noah suggested me since he knows how much I love to dance. But the think was that I loved to dance with my friends and not in front of others since I have anxiety. But anyway, I did it and when we were finished I saw the other kids clapping and then I boy dancer told me that I was very good and that I should consider dancing as my career

Wow Paige this is incredible! I am sooo happy for you! Noah seems to know exactly what he was doing and I am happy he did it!!!
Your experience with dance is definitely way better than mine 😂

Do you want to tell me?

Nothing special. Back when we were 16, Liam was in love with a dancer named Danielle and he made me take dance classes with him so he could ask her out and me as the best friend I am I said yes... Needless to say I nearly broke my leg

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